Book Proposals Tips & Tricks With Chad Allen
You can listen to this episode 039 – Book Proposals Tips & Tricks With Chad Allen on Christian Publishing Show.
Book Proposals Tips & Tricks With Chad Allen
You can listen to this episode 039 – Book Proposals Tips & Tricks With Chad Allen on Christian Publishing Show.
The opening words of your novel may be all a prospective buyer will read before making their purchasing decision. Are yours an opening salvo; an opening punch; or an opening sigh, easily dismissed? They will also be the first words an agent or an editor reads when they see the sample chapters you have pitched. Every story starts somewhere. Even “once upon a time” is a beginning. I thought it would …
So incredibly creative. Watch this video and be inspired to create origami with your words! Craft them into a story never seen before. Inspire others to think beyond the paper airplane you made when growing up.
Last week we talked about the things that distract you from your time and concentration as a writer. If you do want to be serious about being a writer, there are ways to stop impediments and bring balance to your life. First Order of Business Tell yourself, “I am a writer.” When you’re not yet published and especially if you aren’t making money, saying that sentence aloud sounds ridiculous. …
Until recently, the only time I was fired from a job was when I worked for a department store, drilling the holes in bowling balls. Apparently, you can’t put the holes just anywhere. Since becoming a literary agent, however, I have been “fired” a few times—not by He Who Knows All and Pulls the Strings—but by clients. In each case, actually, we reached a mutual decision; but that’s probably because …
Note: This outline was used to record the episode. Its included here to help search engines categorize the audio. Esther’s Story: Esther Had a Tough Marketing Position Not in favor with the King. He hadn’t asked for her in 30 days. Had a big ask. His law could not be overturned. Even approaching the king was dangerous. What does she do? She doesn’t ask right away, even when the …
Note: This outline was used to record the episode. Its included here to help search engines categorize the audio. Esther’s Story: Esther Had a Tough Marketing Position Not in favor with the King. He hadn’t asked for her in 30 days. Had a big ask. His law could not be overturned. Even approaching the king […]
You can listen to this episode 038 – What Queen Esther Can Teach Authors About Platform …
I spent some time with a recent research report from the ILH Group called “Retail’s Renaissance – True Story of Store Openings/Closings.” In this study, they looked at the last three years of all segments of brick-and-mortar retail stores and discovered some facts that counter what we hear in the news. In the media, we only hear bad things about physical stores. Chains are closing, …
Since schools across the world are ramping up to begin the new year (or already have begun), I thought it would be fun to visit a comedy sketch between Andy Griffith and Don Knotts (circa 1965, or two score and 14 years ago). Know anybody like this? Dare you write them into your book? Enjoy.
Everyone loves being an author. Talented authors relish the process from the first twinkle of an idea to thinking about characters to plopping them into impossible situations. Or for the nonfiction author, the challenge of imparting knowledge that will help others is fulfilling. When I was writing books for publication, time dissolved as I typed away. Despite my joy in writing, some afternoons …