I want one of these for next year’s “Happy Pancake Day”!
One minute of ingenuity.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today is St. Valentine's Day.
How appropriate for a literary agent who loves and represents lots of Christian romance novels!
Valentine's Day is a favorite in our house. As a newlywed, I bought a heart-shaped cake on our first Valentine's Day together to celebrate. Later, I bought a heart-shaped cake pan so I can bake a cake myself. That first year I also cut my husband's sandwich for his …
The Writer as Editor: More Tools to Use
There are some great quotes out there about editors and editing. For example:
“Read your own compositions, and when you meet a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out.” Samuel Johnson
“What I have crossed out, I didn’t like. What I haven’t crossed out, I’m dissatisfied with.” Cecil B. DeMille
“From now on, ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I …
News You Can Use – Feb. 12, 2013
The Pope Announces His Resignation - First time this has happened in nearly 600 years. The last time was in 1415. Put that in historical perspective...Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Martin Luther was born in 1483. This is a really big deal in Church history whether you are Catholic or not.
Lawsuit Threatened by Attorney Representing Author and Publisher of Bestselling book 'The …
Fun Fridays – Feb. 8, 2013
A little bit of culture for your Friday viewing. Introducing ballet master Rudolph Nureyev and Swine Lake via "The Muppet Show."
Three minutes of parody and hilarity!
Changes or Opportunities?
What are you doing to counter and grow from the ongoing changes in the marketing of books?
I don't look at the changes as something to counter, but opportunities to reach an ever-increasing audience with excellent books. I am becoming more savvy about social media, because effective marketing by publishers is becoming more reliant on this new phenomena. I am working more directly with marketing …
The Writer as Editor: Tools to Use
As we’ve been discussing over the last few blogs, switching hats from writing to editing can be a bit…challenging. In fact, it can make you feel like your poor head is about to explode! However, you can make the process easier by following the tips from last week’s blog by not letting the editor and writer come out to play at the same time, and by giving yourself time away from the …
News You Can Use – Feb.5, 2013
Shocking Copyright Grab by School System - Anything a student writes as part of a class is owned, forever, by the school? So if a kid invents the idea of a better FedEx as part of a school project the school owns the idea. Or if he writes the first pages of what becomes later, the next "Harry Potter," the school owns the idea. (?!) Unbelievable.
Christian Writers Guild Adds Publishing Division …
Fun Friday’s – February 1, 2013
A delightful Disney animated short film (8.5 minutes long) that has been nominated for an Oscar.
Note that not a single word is spoken and yet volumes are being said.
by Tamela Hancock Murray
More questions!
How are the revolutionary changes in the publishing industry affecting your effectiveness as an agent?
I believe literary agents are needed more than ever because the landscape has become increasingly bumpy for writers. For example, we have been working with publishing house contracts regarding digital issues and how they affect the definition …