You are listening to the Christian Publishing Show, the podcast for writers who want to grow Christ’s kingdom using the written word.
You are listening to the Christian Publishing Show, the podcast for writers who want to grow Christ’s kingdom using the written word.
To start the new year, let’s enjoy an acapella rendition of the “Pink Panther” theme! (If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
You thought everything would be “normal” by now, didn’t you? There’s a scene in the Mel Brooks classic film Young Frankenstein, in which Dr. Frankenstein (“Fronk-en-shteen”) discovers the brain his assistant supplied for the doctor’s grand experiment came from “Abby Someone.” “Abby who?” the doctor asks. “Abby … Normal,” comes the answer. That’s where we are, living in “Abby Normal” times. In …
Our office receives submissions every day, usually seven days a week, from authors hoping for representation. We know sometimes we take longer to respond than we’d like. For our delay, we apologize. We are well aware that writer time moves much more slowly than editor time or agent time. The rate of speed from manuscript submission to publication hasn’t improved much since writers mailed …
Every year at this time it can be strange to reflect on all that has happened over the past 12 months. I suspect that we all have a bit of selective memory and often forget to count our blessings. Instead, we target the difficult times. Why is that? I’ll do my best to recite a bit of both in this review of the past year. The IndustryWe spent the first quarter of 2021 waiting for things to “open …
I have a couple of big announcements. If you have been wondering why there hasn’t been a new episode in a few weeks I have a good reason. Announcement #1: New Baby! We just had a baby! Jack Umstattd was on December 23rd weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces. Both he and my wife are tired […]
You can listen to this episode Big News! on Christian Publishing Show.
I have a couple of big announcements. If you have been wondering why there hasn’t been a new episode in a few weeks I have a good reason. Announcement #1: New Baby! We just had a baby! Jack Umstattd was born on December 23rd weighing 9 pounds 10 ounces. Both he and my wife are […]
You can listen to this episode Big News! on Christian Publishing Show.
I’m Thomas Umstattd Jr., host of the Christian Publishing Show and I have a few of quick announcements. If you have been wondering why there hasn’t been a new episode in a few weeks I have a good reason. Announcement #1 New Baby!We just had a baby! Jack Umstattd was on December 23rd weighing 9 pounds 11 ounces. Both he and my wife are tired from a long delivery but doing well overall. For those …
No new posts for the next two weeks. We all are taking a short break for the holidays. Back in the saddle starting January 10!
Be blessed by today’s video created for the Christmas season by CV Outreach. Merry Christmas! (If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)