You’ve heard or read the adage “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten,” right? Or something similar.
So, here you are, in a brand spanking new year: 2024. Can you believe it?
With the dawn of the new year, then, let me ask: In your writing, what will you do differently in 2024? Put another way: What will you do more or differently than what you’ve always done?
Will you finally give your platform the attention it needs?
Will you move on from that pet project you’ve spent years trying to land with a publisher?
Will you join a critique group?
Read 100 books in your genre?
Engage a writing coach?
Learn how to use Word’s track changes?
Write so many words a day/week/month?
Start blogging?
Stop blogging?
Something else?
Even if you choose only one thing to do differently in your writing this year, it could have a cumulative effect. (“Consider how small a spark sets a great forest ablaze,” as the biblical writer said. … And, yes, I know he was talking about the tongue; but the principle applies here too.) Or, as James Clear says in the bestselling Atomic Habits, “Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement.”
So, what’s it going to be? Please share in the comments, and let’s be encouraged and inspired by one another.