We are taking a short break. Resuming on January 8th.
Happy New Year!
The Steve Laube Agency
We are taking a short break. Resuming on January 8th.
Happy New Year!
The Steve Laube Agency
Enjoy this Christmas Fun Friday guest post written by Frank Ball a number of years ago. Frank is a great friend to all writers, having mentored hundreds of them over the years. (Visit his personal website here.) With his permission I changed the title a little and the opening line to fit today’s theme. ‘Twas the Night Before Deadline ‘Twas the night before deadline, when all …
Every year, we contemplate the wondrous mystery of the Incarnation. The eternal God coming to us in the form of a baby. And his name is called Jesus. J.I. Packer wrote in his book Knowing God: The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught to talk like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is …
A performance you can listen to over and over. Soli Deo Gloria!
The forgotten instrument on display. Hilarious! Enjoy a fun Christmas-season Friday.
Preparation is awfully important if you are planning to climb Mt. Everest. If you show up in a T-shirt, shorts, and flip flops, with a sack lunch, it is likely you will perish during the ascent. The same idea applies to the writer. Preparation is one of the keys to success. There Are No Shortcuts Despite numerous methods for efficiency, there is still no shortcut in writing a great book. It is …
A perfect example of how to write a poignant short story. Chevrolet’s new Christmas video is a wonderful way to start the Advent season.
You’ve published your book with a publisher. But it has been some time since it was published, and it feels like the publisher is no longer interested in promoting your book. Or the book is “old” enough that the publisher isn’t going to spend new money to sell copies but is simply keeping it available. Or the print edition of the book is no longer available, but it is still …
‘Tis the season in the U.S. to celebrate Thanksgiving and to take a moment to be thankful. Today I would like to thank you. To thank those of you who read our blog regularly either via an email subscription or RSS feed or visiting the site. I am grateful for the time you have invested in reading what we write. Ask any of us, and we will tell you the hours we spend in creating these posts and …
Writing is a solo creative venture. Or so it may seem. But sometimes, a collaborative effort can make the solo a chorus. Today’s video is an expression of that community effort. Four people playing one guitar. Brilliant! Who are some people in your life who make your creativity greater because of their contributions?