Since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, I thought it would be fun to revisit a story collection I wrote about ten years ago with my wonderful and talented friends, Pamela Griffin, Vickie McDonough, and Linda Windsor. Brides o’ the Emerald Isle was a lot of fun to write, and an enjoyable change for me since my story, A Legend of Light, takes place in 500 AD.
Inexplicably, the volume of stories is available for a penny, here.
And again for $35.47 here.
The more expensive book has a story not written by Tamela Hancock Murray, but by Tamela Hanc. Obviously Tamela Hanc is by far the better writer.
To celebrate writing my story, I bought Celtic Barbie. While not a pure representation of my heroine, Sorcha, Celtic Barbie reminds me how much I enjoyed writing books. Oh, and how did I choose Sorcha as a name? Well, I had to choose something today’s reader could easily identify, and one I could type with some sort of accuracy – not an easy challenge when consulting a name book including the time period of 500 AD. How about Hyge, or Aelfflaed or Eormenthryth? Sexburg is listed as a female name, a feather in my cap in case I ever decide to write a steamy story taking place in ancient Ireland – NOT.
By the way, the book I used, Names Through the Ages by Teresa Norman, is still available and a great reference. And it’s an engrossing read for anyone interested in history, or just names.
So now you have two books to read, and they are both so old I doubt any of the authors will make even an, ahem, penny from your purchase. But have fun anyway.
I leave you with this Irish blessing:
May you always have…
Walls for the winds
A roof for the rain
Tea beside the fire
Laughter to cheer you
Those you love near you
And all your heart might desire.
Your turn:
Have you ever written a story set in Ireland?
What is your favorite book set in Ireland?
What is your favorite time of history to read about?
What time in history would be the most challenging for you to write?