A bit o’ comedy for a hot Summer Friday. Enjoy!
Five Dollar Words
“Don’t use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent word will do.” – Mark Twain One of my daughters is an Arts and Visual Technology major, so of course she has to read articles about art. Here are a few sentences from an eight-page article, “Modernist Painting” by Clement Greenburg. The footnotes inform us that this article was both published and broadcast on the radio. I identify Modernism …
Keys to Killing Your Social Media Presence
Okay, we all talk about how to make social media work for you. But lately I’ve noticed some things that don’t work at all. Some of which have been tied to the whole political climate nowadays. Others, though, have been around for a long time, and I’ve just kind of hit the wall with them. But all of them have been really effective tools—if the goal is to ensure people quit those FB pages, blogs, or …
One of These Days I am Going to Write a Book about Procrastination
But not today, I’ve got too many things going on. Maybe tomorrow or the next day, but not today. One of the more insidious aspects of living in a world where constant change is the norm, is most change does not occur so quickly we need to change anything or do anything right now. Tomorrow we’ll decide. One of these days I’ll do something, but not today. I’ve got too much going on today. Tomorrow …
Steve Laube Buys The Christian Writers Market Guide from Jerry Jenkins
(Phoenix, AZ) The owner and president of the Steve Laube Agency has announced his purchase of the rights to The Christian Writer’s Market Guide from bestselling author Jerry Jenkins. Laube will become Publisher of the 2017 edition. The Guide has been used as a resource in the inspirational market for over 30 years. It was created by writer Sally Stuart, who published it until 2012 when Jenkins …
Fun Friday – July 22, 2016
For some reason I found this mesmerizing. Only 1:21 in length so you tell me if you were as fascinated as I was. Enjoy! And if you really like this sort of thing, enjoy the eight minute rendition of Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on the organ.
I’m Always Open to Submissions
Sometimes authors send me an email asking, “Are you looking at new submissions?” or “Are you accepting new clients?” I appreciate these authors’ desire not to waste my time or theirs, but I’ll say it here: I’m always open to submissions and new clients. Now, does this mean I’m open to reading entire unpublished books on every and any topic? Or that I hope to sign five new clients every week? No. I …
Keys for Effective Social Media Use
Okay, I don’t pretend to be a pro on social media use. Honestly, I use it because I enjoy it. (Yeah, off-the-scale extrovert here.) But I’ve done some research lately for this blog, and found that the following tips I wanted to share were also mentioned in several of the “How To” sites I read. So here are a few collectively suggested “keys” to making sure your social media involvement is as …
The Accidental Pharisee
Anyone who spends even a little time reading the New Testament discovers the only times Jesus got really angry was when he confronted religious people who were so far off the intended track they needed outright and immediate correction or even condemnation. Jesus could judge, after all he was God in the flesh. Those who didn’t know any better were treated with relative kindness, called upon to …
6 Excuses (That Don’t Work) for Not Attending a Writers Conference
Our guest today is Linda Taylor, an author, an editor, a writer, a college writing instructor, and a constant learner. She teaches in the Professional Writing department at Taylor University and continues to do freelance editing and proofreading. She blogs about the joys of editing and grammar at www.lindaktaylor.com ___________ In our extremely virtual world, we have gotten used to our …