Laugh along with this author who has just received word of her first contract!
Of course the author only does this after they hang up the phone with their agent.
Laugh along with this author who has just received word of her first contract!
Of course the author only does this after they hang up the phone with their agent.
Last week, I listed a few things that can go wrong when you travel to a conference. Today, I’ll offer a few ideas that might help overcome these mishaps. Getting there 1.) The car taking me to the airport doesn’t show up. This has never happened to me, but I know an alternative car service I can call if need be. 2.) I don’t arrive at the airport on time. I always allow much more …
Okay, admit it, you love to read quotes about writing or writers. Especially if they’re from other writers. So do I. In fact, I keep a growing list of quotations that inspire me, or make me laugh, or make me think. And on those days when I’m struggling, or when I feel the right words are eluding me, I fix myself a cup of coffee, open up the list, and spend time just reading. So here, to get you …
I couldn’t let this day pass without mentioning Abraham Lincoln. It was 150 years ago today that the U.S. President was shot in the head by John Wilkes Booth while attending a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, DC. He died the next morning on April 15, but today marks the beginning of his death. A lot of books (some estimate as many as 15,000) have been …
There is a mysterious magic embedded in the mythos of the publishing industry…the ability to pick successful books. I was recently asked “You say ‘no’ so often, how do you know when to say ‘yes?’” I wish I could claim that every agent and publisher have a secret formula that we consult to know what will sell. Ask any group of us for that secret and we will all laugh because there is no “secret.” …
Ever wondered what it is like to open the box containing your first published book? Sarah E. Morin, a first-time author with Enclave Publishing, received her books two days ago. Enjoy her wonderfully creative video of the experience! And then go buy her amazing novel, Waking Beauty.
When traveling to a conference recently, I realized, as I always do when traveling, how many things can go wrong. Such as: Getting there 1.) The car taking me to the airport doesn’t show up. 2,) I don’t arrive at the airport on time. 3.) I accidentally pack something in my suitcase that sets off the airport security alarm. 4.) My flight is delayed. 5.) I miss my flight because of my …
Last week this time, I was sitting beneath towering redwoods, the warm sun tickling my neck, watching as writers from all over the country converged to learn and commune at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers’ Conference. And I realized that, over the 35 years or so I’ve been involved in the Christian publishing world, like Steve, I’ve attended close to 150 writers conferences! Now, admittedly, I …
Any author who experiences disappointment is bound to ask the question, “What am I doing wrong?” Using Rick Warren’s first line of The Purpose Driven Life, “It’s not about you,” might just be one explanation of why it is so hard to get published and succeed at it. Whether you have already been published or are an aspiring author, the greatest threat to your present or future writing career could …
Last year I tried a musical experiment during the days of Lent (I wrote about it here). This year I attempted to do something similar. My musical choice was the “Suites for Keyboard” by George Frederic Handel. We are most familiar with Handel because of his famous “Messiah” oratorio. I did not realize that he also composed solo pieces for the keyboard. I am glad to have learned …