Having played so many pickup games I found this absolutely hilarious! Someday I get to be “the old guy” in this video. Enjoy.
— Steve
Success! Now What?
Christian publishing professionals want to honor God with success. Sometimes God grants recognition quickly. Other times, He does not. And since Christians are human, it's hard not to be a little jealous of acclaimed authors.
But what about success? Are you ready for it?
Here are just a few concerns I've seen from various published authors:
1.) I'm nervous about my advance. What if I …
Brainstorming: The Ground Rules
Thanks for your thoughts and comments last week. Loved seeing your excitement about getting into a brainstorming group. It really can be a blessing unlike any other. So how do you go about getting started? Well, first, let’s take a look at the ground rules for effective brainstorming. There are several of them, so this week we’ll consider the first three:
1. Steep your sessions in …
Think Global Writing
As you read this, I am in the bustling city of Accra, Ghana in West Africa taking part in four days of training for Ghanaian publishers, August 20-23, conducted by Media Associates International (www.littworld.org). International publishing guru Ramon Rocha and I are participating in seminars on a wide range of topics. My little secret is that I learn and am blessed far beyond what I carry from …
Back to School for You
by Steve Laube
I'm of the generation that remembers the day after Labor Day being the first day of school. But no more. All through August kids of all ages have been headed back to the classroom. When our daughters were in Marching Band they had rehearsals on the field twice a day, starting two weeks before school began...which put their practices into the month of July...in …
Fun Fridays – August 16, 2013
An Irish language version of the song "Cups." What fun!
Never forget, our art can become International.
Preach it! (or Not)
Last summer my family and I flew to South Korea and back so we needed to fill several hours with entertainment. Korean Air provides a selection of movies, so I decided to view "Gentleman's Agreement" since I'd never seen this classic film.
I knew the story addressed the evils of anti-semitism. Of course, I am opposed to anti-semitism so I have no problem with a story coming from this viewpoint. …
Brainstorming Made Easy (Part One)
A couple weeks ago I boarded a plane headed north to Idaho for a trip I've taken 9 times. At the end of that flight waited a group of women--Brandilyn Collins, Robin Lee Hatcher, Sunni Jeffers, Tricia Goyer, Tamera Alexander, Janet Ulbright, Sharon Dunn, Gayle DeSalles, Francine Rivers, and Mama Ruth (Brandilyn’s mom)--who have become so much a part of me that I can’t imagine life without them. …
Doomsday Words
“Nobody is buying print books anymore”
“Nobody is buying printed magazines or newspapers anymore”
“No one shops at bookstores anymore”
“No one is reading anymore”
“No one goes to the trade shows anymore”
“No one needs a traditional publisher anymore”
“Everyone should just self-publish”
When the speed of change is faster than we can easily comprehend, our language has a …
Fun Fridays – August 9, 2013
Watch this fun performance of twelve pianists playing at the same time - it could have been called "Piano for 24 hands." There is a metaphor here. This performance is a bit like the publishing experience. If you look closely you can see editorial, sales, marketing, and some booksellers all working from the same page of music. Music written by an author who is not on the stage!