Penguin and Random House have officially merged into one entity known as Penguin Random House – Not, as I had thought, “Random Penguin” or “Penguin House.” Here’s the scary stats. They employ 10,000 people worldwide (that is where the earnings from your books go) and will publish 15,000 new books each year. That is nearly two books per hour, all year long. That is a big publisher.
Judge Rules Against Authors in Google Lawsuit – This lawsuit over Google’s attempts to digitize the world’s books has been stuck in court for years. Google offered a multi-million dollar settlement in 2011 which was rejected by the judge. On to the next lawsuit….
NPR Article on the Death of Google Reader – Today, July 1st, Google Reader was shut down. I chose to migrate to The Old Reader so I could continue to use my Feeddler Pro software on my iPad each morning. (It’s where I find most of the stuff for News You Can Use.) I tried at least 10 other RSS reader programs and didn’t like them (including the popular Feedly program).
3 Reasons Why Facebook Can’t Replace Your Author Website – Jane Friedman writes an important article! She is spot on.
4 Things Star Trek Can Teach Us About Writing – One of them is NOT “Live Long and Prosper.”