In 2017, I wrote about The Challenge for American Christian Authors. I asserted that great care needs to be taken when American authors want their message to be understood by anyone outside of the US Christian subculture. Today, I am reversing that position and looking at what writers from other countries might have to say to the North American believer.
Two things brought this to mind:
First, I spoke to someone who, upon hearing that a missionary from another country was coming to the US to start a ministry, responded that they needed to mind their own business.
Second, not long ago, I received a proposal from an author in an African country on the subject of family, advocating for families to care for one another their entire lives, especially children to care for their aging parents.
In the first case, this remark revealed that those in the West can often develop a one-way approach to missions. We’re the senders, not the recipients. Not a very healthy perspective.
In the second case, the message was spot-on. Still, no matter how wise and proper a perspective is, if it conflicts with the general cultural opinions of the buying audience, it won’t go anywhere, no matter how biblical it might be.
Additionally, there is likely no way to monetize a book from an author in another country simply because their name recognition (platform) is not present in the region considering publishing it. It’s one of the reasons books written by an author from one country are rarely published in another.
It also diminishes our understanding of Scripture when we pay attention only to people like us.
The proposed African book came from a cultural perspective where families are close, and the duties of each member are expected. Taking that message to a culture driven by self-reliance, self-interest, and self-fulfillment rather than familial responsibility, would be nearly impossible.
And it is our loss in the West. The book might have created a healthy discussion.
Most cultures worldwide that do not have the opportunities and financial resources of the West are often far more aware of the need to rely on God’s Word and His daily faithfulness, rather than a “God plus ___” perspective of many in the West.
I am involved with an organization called Media Associates International, which is a global author and publisher mentoring/networking ministry. It has made this issue of cross-cultural publishing even more clear to me.
There is nothing wrong with reaching broader, more cross-cultural audiences with your writing; but it is a two-way street. Don’t expect to be embraced warmly abroad if you are dismissive of perspectives from other cultures.
Remember, “everyone everywhere” is not a target audience for your work.
The solution? Like every introductory communications class that has ever been presented, start with “Know your audience.” Then, begin writing. If you can reach 5,000 people in your part of the world with an important message, be happy with that. Jesus spoke to 5,000 people on more than one occasion, changing the world.
Still, I wish we could find a way to give a voice to Christian writers outside our subculture. We might learn something.