We at the Steve Laube Agency were shocked and so very saddened yesterday morning to learn of the tragic events that took the life of our client, Dr. Robert Lesslie, along with his wife, two of their grandchildren, and two others.
We express our sincere prayers and our heartfelt condolences to all who knew, loved, and worked with Dr. Lesslie, who was highly regarded in his profession and in the Rock Hill, South Carolina, area. He was the author of numerous books, having been represented by the Les Stobbe Agency and, since 2017, by Bob Hostetler of The Steve Laube Agency. Those books include bestsellers, such as Angels in the ER and the forthcoming Angels in the ER, Vol. 2 (published by Harvest House).
The words Dr. Lesslie chose to begin Angels in the ER resound with his trademark wisdom and sensitivity:
Twenty-five years in the ER have taught me a lot of things. I know without a doubt that life is fragile. I have come to understand that humility may be the greatest virtue. And I am convinced we need to take the time to say the things we deeply feel to the people we deeply care about.
Last December he posted on his blog the following excerpt from his forthcoming book:
One day, when I depart this body and find myself in the presence of the Lord, my time, however it will be measured, will be filled with the praises and the wonder of Jesus.
Dr. Lesslie lived as he wrote. “Flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!” (from William Shakespeare, Hamlet, V, 2, 4022).