Time on your hands? Learn a new skill, like this fellow. Imagine the possibilities!
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Time on your hands? Learn a new skill, like this fellow. Imagine the possibilities!
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This hilarious Carol Burnett sketch takes on a whole new meaning these days! [[If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.]] HT: Trissina Kear
by Steve Laube
I am frequently asked this question. It is perfectly understandable as many agencies carry a sizeable list of clients. A prospective client or even an existing one wonders, “Will this agent or agency have time for me?”
We post a list of our clients on the web site because we are honored to work with so many gifted people. Not every agency makes their client list public. It …
I dare say today’s video may bring a little jealousy to those who wish to “hunker down” a little more than they already are! (If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
The coronavirus is the topic on everyone’s mind. Your community, your family, and even yourself may have been or could be affected. Maybe not by the virus itself but by the economic and societal fallout of the cancellations and shutdown of communities. Many experts, much smarter than I, are speaking erudite words of “stay calm and be wise.” I land on the fact that God is bigger …
The above doomy headline is intended to catch your attention. However, it is merely a reflection of a report released on February 19 by the Authors Guild called “The Profession of Author in the 21st Century,” written by Christine Larson, Ph.D., an assistant professor of journalism at the University of Colorado. (You can read the full report here.) She wrote, “The days of authors supporting …
Happy Leap Day! Since this is an “extra” day I thought I’d provide a couple bits of trivia for you. Did you know? … When you open a physical book you have two pages. The left and the right. Those pages actually have names! verso and recto. Verso is the left hand page and Recto is the right hand page. This is commonly talked about in publishing production when communicating …
Language is a fascinating subject to study. The below infographic “50+ Fascinating Language Facts You Didn’t Know” is from TakeLessons.com. (Click through to see a larger form of the graphic.) Isn’t it amazing that the Hawaiian language has 200 different words for rain? (Here is an article discussing it.) Enjoy! via takelessons
In the 1960s, there were some unusual commercials that would have been widely enjoyed if aired during the current Super Bowl. Enjoy this one from Rice Krispies utilizing a famous opera. You’ll never hear the famous refrain the same way again! See more comments below after you watch the video. This review was written years later by LA Times writer Diane Haithman in 2005: “at a …
The title question, “Is yours a book or an article?” comes up on a regular basis with nonfiction authors. Someone has lived an interesting life, survived a horrible disease, lost a precious loved one, suffered terribly (emotionally or physically) and feels led to write their story. But is it a story that can be sustained for an entire book? Or is it one that can be told in a shorter form? Or is it …