Have you ever had a miscommunication? In other words, do you live in the world? Of course, we all have. I have voice to text messaging and I really like it. Most of the time it gets my messages right, though sometimes I have to display prior knowledge to discern what people mean. The program does insert question marks when it’s confused. But most of the time, it doesn’t think it’s confused at all. Yet it can be as creative as—well, a writer!
From an editor:
Hi Chandler (Tamela) this is (Not the editor’s name. And it got the author’s name wrong, too. So, it got all three names wrong. Thankfully, I knew everyone involved. Well, except Chandler!)
From Momma:
I know I where (worry) you to death. If you get a chance today would you look up and see when’s that movie phone (on). Bruce don’t try in Palmdale. (Ummm, I don’t remember the name of it now, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that.)
I have some more test yesterday and I’m not happy but happy was those-were(?) the day before so they don’t keep some more test and I’ll let you know what’s going on. (I don’t remember what this was all about but believe me, Daddy never speaks incoherently.) I love you get the.
I’m calling to tell you that your mother is going to play (stay) in the hospital at least one more day.
Doctor’s office:
This is Emily Madison calling for to Mela… (Family Medicine calling for Tamela)
Hi Pamela this is (editor’s first name) loaner. I just wanted to follow up with you about (author). Listen I wondered if she wants to chat with me before she starts riding.
Your turn:
Do you find it’s easy to get messages garbled thanks to technology?
Do you have voice to text messaging? Do you have any amusing messages you’d like to share?