A Christian Author’s Guide to Getting an Agent with Bob Hostetler
You can listen to this episode 046 A Christian Author’s Guide to Getting an Agent with Bob Hostetler on Christian Publishing Show.
A Christian Author’s Guide to Getting an Agent with Bob Hostetler
You can listen to this episode 046 A Christian Author’s Guide to Getting an Agent with Bob Hostetler on Christian Publishing Show.
By the time this blog is posted I should be nearing home after spending the weekend with a wonderful group of Australian and New Zealand writers at a retreat center in Mulgoa, Australia (approximately an hour’s drive west of Sydney) for The Omega Christian Writers Conference. I had the privilege of giving six hours of presentations, taking a number of appointments, and just enjoying their …
Today’s video is an inspiration. There is creativity inside us all because we are made in the image of God. Watch and be inspired to persevere in your craft. Thanks to Barbara Diggs for suggesting today’s Fun Friday!
Have you ever stopped reading a novel because you didn’t like or weren’t interested in the characters or you couldn’t muster enough caring about them to stick with them for 300 pages? Here are a few tips to try to keep this reaction from happening to your readers: 1. Portray your character as a true victim. Do use caution, so you don’t venture into melodrama. People like rooting for the underdog, …
Several weeks ago, I posted some of the responses I received from some of my favorite writers (who are also clients) to the question, “Do you motivate yourself to write with a ‘carrot’ (reward) or a ‘stick?’” I was fascinated by the volume and variety of the responses, the last of which I relay below. I hope you find them as enlightening and encouraging as I do. “When I’m facing a deadline, …
Today we are going to talk about design. This is an important topic and not one many people in the publishing industry have formal training in. Just like everyone thinks they can write a book, everyone thinks they understand design. Ignorance of the complexities of a profession is not a suitable replacement for mastering those complexities. But, before we can talk about good and bad design, we …
How to Avoid the #1 Cause of Bad Book Covers: Design by Committee
You can listen to this episode 045 How to Avoid the #1 Cause of Bad Book Covers: Design by Committee on Christian Publishing Show.
During the Summer of 1978 the #1 hit on Christian radio was the classic “He’s Alive” by Don Francisco (click here to listen). That same Summer I attended a Christian music festival in Estes Park, Colorado and decided to take a class on songwriting being taught by Jimmy and Carol Owens. I settled into my chair near the back of the room with notepad ready.
Just as the class was about to start a …
This video came out three months ago and has already had almost two million views on YouTube. But this “Evolution of Worship Music” is worty to be watched again if you’ve already seen it. And worthy to be enjoyed for the first time if you have not. Enjoy!
A couple of weeks ago, I shared ideas about stakes versus conflict and the importance of making stakes and conflict both high and riveting. I also shared examples of pretexts that no one would care to read. Here is one: Reginald just bought a private jet; but the air traffic controllers have gone on strike, meaning he will have to delay his vacation in Paris. Believe it or not, after I wrote the …