In this episode of the Christian Publishing Show, we talk about how to launch a book.
You can listen to this episode 009 – How to Launch a Book (an overview) on Christian Publishing Show.
In this episode of the Christian Publishing Show, we talk about how to launch a book.
You can listen to this episode 009 – How to Launch a Book (an overview) on Christian Publishing Show.
The regularly scheduled post for today, Monday January 21st, did not go out to our newsletter subscribers as planned. Instead a fragment of a future scheduled post went out instead. Therefore today’s post has been moved to next Monday while we solve our technical glitch. Technology is great, when it works… Steve The Steve Laube Agency
This clever, tongue-in-cheek video is a great lesson for what should be our “word” for 2019: humility.
When writing, few authors think about their work being turned into an audiobook, so this type of deal can be a wonderful surprise when it happens! With traditional publishing, the publisher will either create the audio in-house with their own recording division or license the audio to a company that specializes in audio production. Here are a few assumptions to avoid when considering the potential …
A few weeks ago, I posted on this site about my annual reading plan, which usually guides ¼ to 1/3 of the 100 (or so) books I read each year. As often happens when I talk about my reading plan, several people asked, “How do you read so much?” After all, I keep fairly busy as a husband, father, grandfather, writer, speaker, literary agent, and man-about-town. So how do I manage to read a book or …
The following is the outline I used to record this episode. It is not the episode itself! I encourage you to listen to the episode if you can. Introduction This is the third and final episode in a series about What I am Looking for as an Agent. Previously we talked about courage (episode 002) and hustle (episode 003). I will have links to those episodes in the show notes. Why Publishers Care About …
The following is the outline I used to record this episode. It is not the episode itself! I encourage you to listen to the episode if you can. Introduction This is the third and final episode in a series about What I am Looking for as an Agent. Previously we talked about courage (episode 002) […]
You can listen to this episode 008 – Resonance and Why Platform is Not Important Like You Think on …
Are you tired of being told by a publisher “We simply don’t do books like that”? or “Yours is certainly out of the box, but is not what we are looking for at this time”? What’s the Deal with Boxes? In general all books are sold under a category. Be it a fiction genre (historical, suspense, romance) or a topical non-fiction category (marriage, parenting, finance, theology). When you are told your …
Walmart created a fun ad about their curbside pickup service. Features some rather memorable vehicles. Enjoy! HT: Ronie Kendig
I was reading an old prayer book when I discovered this: My God, grant that I may love Thee, and let the only reward of my love be to love Thee more and more. I decided to make this one of my primary prayers for 2019. Perhaps you can think about this prayer, too. When your book is rejected: My God, grant that I may love Thee, and let the only reward of my love be to love Thee more and more. When …