Enjoy the hilarious Victor Borge!
Enjoy the hilarious Victor Borge!
Last week I blogged about a poor experience I had with a hotel, comparing it to a great experience with a different property. This week, I offer a few more tips on how writers can meet and exceed expectations in customer service. Answer in Person I was interested in a particular clothing line and called ahead to the store since it was located in the next state. Excellent customer service point …
In my blog of May 25, 2016, I invited folks to submit ideas for future blogs. Today’s blog is to respond to Rebekah Love Dorris’s question: “As a busy parent of young children, I scramble to find time to even write. How necessary is it to attend conferences if I study the writing craft as much as I can here and there?” I know it’s not easy to attend a writers’ conference. For one thing, it takes …
A while ago I made a weak attempt at humor with my post about hearing something different than was spoken to me. Today is part two on a similar theme, getting serious this time about understanding something different than was actually communicated. Through this process you might get a glimpse into the heart and mind of non-Christian and even some Christian readers as well. To be blunt, Christians …
Did that headline get your attention? It was intentional. There are two key words in it, “revolutionary” and “success,” that are trigger words to make you read what I have written. When the word “publishing” is added it targeted the readers of this blog. And to top it off it was made personal by using the word “your.” It is possible to make this …
Up close view of Vivaldi’s “Summer – presto” performed by virtuoso David Garrett. Proves the value of practice. Apply to your profession and watch for the results! It also illustrates the genius of the composer. Someone had to write the music first… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZV4dZuKavM
In publishing, all of us are really in Customer Service. The agent serves the writer. The writer serves the editor. The editor serves the publisher. The publisher serves the reader. Of course, there’s lots of overlap, but you get the idea. Recently I had a not-so-great customer service experience when I tried to check into a hotel early thanks to a morning flight, a situation I could not control. …
Thanks to Katie Powner for her question on my May 25, 2016 blog, which sparked this blog. There have been many changes in publishing over the last few years. In fact, it seems we just get used to some element of publishing, and wham! It’s turned on its head. But there is something that hasn’t changed. Something I don’t think will ever change. At least, I pray it won’t. Story trumps all. Oh, I …
Book publishing is filled with people having substantial experience and who know a lot about how things work in the publishing world. Authors, publisher staff, retailers and agents have a bevy of information and make informed decisions every day. But book publishing is a humility-building pursuit because a good amount of this great wisdom is nothing more than 20/20 hindsight. “I knew it wouldn’t …
I just spent the last few days with a lot of fun people! The Realm Makers conference was held on the Villianova University campus in Philadelphia with nearly 200 in attendance. I had the honor of teaching nearly six hours in a continuing session on the spiritual life of the writer. It is truly great when many like-minded people gather to explore the Word together. The costume banquet on Friday …