An epic exploration of airline safety, via Middle Earth!
HELP! I’m a Debut Author
When considering traditional publishing, new authors may think it’s harder than ever to go from unpublished (or “pre-published” as the popular euphemism goes) to published. However, that’s not the case. The truth is, it has ALWAYS been difficult to become a traditionally published author. When my first book was published in the 1990s, my uncle, a high school history teacher …
2014 Bestseller List – Exciting New Developments!
A little over a year ago I explored the issue of best-seller lists for Christian books (“The Mystery of the Bestseller List”). However, in the last thirteen months, much has changed. The New York Times is adding some new niche-lists to their collection, which will affect Christian titles. A company involved in gathering book sales data sold their research group to another company who …
Fun Fridays – October 17, 2014
Funny how certain plots seem familiar to each other. Today’s video reveals the secret!
HELP! I’m a Self-Published Author
Time and time again, self-published authors come to me asking for help. They self-published or published with a very small press and found that doing all of their own marketing and promotion resulted in sales in the three-figure range. Some authors are able to achieve the low four figures but that’s not much better as far as impressing a traditional publisher. A cumulative total of several …
Creative Outlets
Ever notice how creativity has a way of coming and going? And when it goes, it always seems to be at the worst possible moment, such as when your book is due. Or when it WAS due. Weeks ago. But I’ve discovered a sure fire way to spark creativity, even at its most elusive: the Creative Change Up. There are so many ways to be creative, so when one outlet stops up, find a new one. For me, other …
Three Out of Four Dentists Leaves One
I’ve covered this before ( “Art Wins” ), but I am going to take a little different look at the ever-present tension between the science and the art of publishing books. The great rocket scientist Wernher von Braun, one of the pioneers of the U.S. space program said this, “Research is what I’m doing when I don’t know what I’m doing.” Certainly, experienced people in publishing …
Did I Say That?
I think I talk more at a conference in one day that I do in a week at home. (Well, my family might dispute that. Just sayin’.) All that talk means I have plenty of times to say great things, witty things, funny things, and stupid things. Sometimes someone will tell me, “Three years ago you said, blah BLAH blah blah blah blah blah BLAH.” Really? I said that? Well, I probably did. …
Born (again) in the USA
There are a lot of 40’s in the Bible. Dozens of times the number appears. It rained for forty days and nights so Noah had enough water to float his ark. The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years. Jesus fasted and lived in the desert for forty days. Jesus walked the earth for forty days between his resurrection and his ascension. And many more. It’s a Bible number, like three, seven or …
Read All You Want – For Free!
The headline isn’t exactly correct, but it is the implication of the new book subscription services being offered. The three biggest are Amazon Unlimited, Scribd, and Oyster. If you are unfamiliar with them, now is the time to do a little digging. In fact, after you’ve read this post, pick one and sign up for the 30 day trial and see for yourself. Each offers the reader unlimited reading access to …