This is a fun cover of a popular song. The unfortunate thing is that the chorus is one of those that sticks in your head…all day. But to make it worse the lyrics of the chorus could be the anthem song for either publishers or bookstores. Listen yourself to see if you agree (you can skip the part where the arranger starts talking at the end!):
Travel: The Businessman versus the Businesswoman
I thought I'd have a little fun today with the differences we experience in our house when getting ready for a business trip.
My husband preparing for travel:
1.) Make sure hair is freshly cut.
2.) The night before, pack bags. Wife has already ironed shirts and will be folding them to pack.
Me preparing for travel:
1.) Wash all clothes down to the last item so family will have clean laundry …
Attract Attention…(Part Three)
BP number one was "Be Professional." Number two was "Be Passionate." The third BP is one I like a lot: Be Plugged In. You need to be the expert on not just your book, but on the readers, the competition, and the craft. Doing that will enable you to equip your team! So…
Know your audience
It’s rare to find a book--or an author--that will be read by everyone. You book should have an …
News You Can Use – July 16, 2013
Yesterday I posted on the issue of “Foreign Rights.” Talk about a clunker of a topic! One quarter of the normal readership thought it worthwhile to click through and read. Fascinating analytics. So let me ask those who read this “News” section, what topics would you like to see addressed in the future?
JK Rowling Snookered a Lot of Editors – She submitted her latest novel under a pen name. This …
Fun Fridays – July 12, 2013
Watch this 4 minute video and then save it. You may need to show it to someone in 20 years who is unsure.
"How to Read a Book" - a delightful reminder of why we work so hard to do what we do in this business.
This video is the work of Hilary Commer, and she made it for her Intro to Visual Media class at Abilene Christian University.
Another Productive ICRS!
Tamela Hancock Murray
Two weeks ago I enjoyed the privilege of attending ICRS (International Christian Retail Show) as part of The Steve Laube Agency, marking my third ICRS with Steve.
As usual, our schedule was packed but seeing our colleagues is why we attend, so a full agenda is welcome. Year after year, reports say ICRS is getting smaller, and indeed we did miss seeing some of our …
News You Can Use – July 9, 2013
Does Your Title Pass the "Radio Test" - This means, if your book title or web site address is read out loud on the radio, will the listener know how to spell it when they go to find it? For example, my last name is spelled Laube and pronounced Lobby. That does not pass the "radio test." So I now own and point it to just in case someone misspells my name.
The …
Summerside Press Shuts Down
by Steve Laube
“Another one bites the dust.” This past week Guideposts announced they were discontinuing all new acquisitions of titles for both their Summerside Press (fiction) and Guideposts Books (non-fiction) trade lines. To have a complete picture of what this means we first have to understand that there are FIVE different book publishing programs under Guideposts. Two of them are …
Fun Fridays – July 5, 2013
What begins as a fun take on Star Wars is ultimately a very clever book trailer.
Attract Attention (Part Two)
Wasn't it fun to read Steve’s observations about ICRS? There is so much going on this time of year in our industry, and so many opportunities to spend time with other writers, with editors, and with agents. I love networking with these wonderful folks. But even more than that, I love seeing writers have meaningful and positive interactions with editors and agents.
With that in mind, here’s the …