This is definitely a guy thing. A fist-bump parody.
But guys? Seriously DON’T be this guy.
This is definitely a guy thing. A fist-bump parody.
But guys? Seriously DON’T be this guy.
At least once a week I'm asked if romantic comedy is currently marketable. While sometimes this category seems hot and then cold, I'd say that sharp, witty, well-executed romantic comedy can find a good home no matter what the publishing season. Note that I take the adjectives I used seriously. This is not a category that most writers can whip off with little effort. Successful writers of romantic …
So what are some of the answers I’ve been given to the question "What makes a Christian book Christian"? Consider the following:
Written from a Christian world view
Story offers hope
Core of the story shows importance of faith in Christ
Similar to the things you all wrote in your comments (though I think your responses went far deeper.) But I’ve also been peppered with the following …
Why You Still Don’t Have a Literary Agent – A good post about query letters by Jeff Rivera
The Best Writing Advice I’ve Ever Received – by Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz)
The Power of a Book Bargain – Atlantic Magazine explores the effect of ebook pricing on the prices of all books. Do you agree or disagree? Sounds like fodder for a future blog post.
Ten Questions a Writer Should …
This past weekend nearly 700 novelists, editors, agents, and industry professionals gathers in St. Louis for the 10th annual American Christian Fiction Writers conference.
It is always invigorating to be with so many highly creative people and to be a part of the discovery and development of tomorrow's bestselling authors.
I had over 30 one-on-one appointments and editor meetings, taught …
We should do this at the next ACFW Conference! We could break the record.
A recent post inspired an excellent question. "Is a one-sheet the same as a query?"
Yes and no. There is some overlap, but the differences are significant.
A one-sheet gives writers a document for talking points about a project at a conference. The one-sheet can help authors be sure they convey the information they want to the editor or agent without forgetting anything critical. In turn, …
I had this discussion over a year ago on my blog, but thought it would be a good discussion for all of you, too. In some ways, publishing is in a state of unbelievable flux. In others, it's utterly grounded and unshakeable. Good and bad on both sides.
But here’s what I find fascinating--and a bit worrisome. There’s a seemingless endless debate on what makes a Christian book Christian? Is it the …
Are There Different Genres of Fantasy? – You bet there are. If want to write in that category become familiar with the difference.
The Positive Side of a Writer’s Frustration – A good way to make gold out of ashes.
10 Things a Writer Can Learn From Rocky Balboa –Besides saying “Yo Adrian” whenever someone mentions Rocky.
The Next Four Industries that will be Transformed by the Internet – …
Like you, I have a love-hate relationship with email.
I love it because it allows for quick and easy communication.
I hate it because the flood in the inbox can be overwhelming.
(I also get irritated with that hyphen! email or e-mail?)
A "solution" may be at hand! Some pretty smart folks have created "The Email Charter." Please do yourself a favor, click this link to The Email Charter, …