The video speaks for itself today.
“Oh Come Let Us Adore Him.”
Christmas Questions
When Christian singer/songwriters Mark Lowry and Buddy Greene collaborated on the modern Christmas classic “Mary Did You Know?” they hit on some meaningful themes that inspire millions each year. Honestly, I think they were a little presumptuous asking a pregnant lady or mother of a young child so many questions, but at least the song doesn’t wait for her responses! She had enough on her mind. I …
Incarnational Writing
It’s that holy time of year when followers of Jesus around the world contemplate and celebrate the truth of the Incarnation, the miraculous, mind-boggling moment when the Son of God, the Eternal Word, “became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14, NIV). So, first, I wish the readers of this blog a merry and holy Christmas. Second, I’d like to opine for a few moments on the …
All Wrapped Up
When I was a boy, my family had the tradition of opening our gifts on Christmas Eve. But another tradition was that there would be one more gift waiting for us the next morning, Christmas day, from “Santa.” I have a vivid memory, as a little boy, of being disappointed one Christmas Eve that the thing I wanted most was not among my unwrapped presents. However, I knew, I was just certain, that it …
Fun Fridays – December 16, 2022
Turn the volume up on today’s video to hear the richness of the singing and its crescendo. FYI: The last minute of the video, after the song, is the creator giving his Christmas greeting and an appeal to subscribe. (If you can’t see the video in your email newsletter subscription, click through to the site itself.)
My Christmas Prayer for You
This will be my last blog before Christmas Day. The Christmas season is a lovely time to bless and remember our blog community and to let you know how much your thoughtful comments have brought insight and pleasure over the years. Thank you for being part of our community. I pray that as we move through Advent that you and your loved ones are blessed as we all await in glorious anticipation to …
Repetition Is Talent
Early in my career, I attended a business conference that had a profound effect on my view of work ever since. First, I recall the presenter talking about the use of statistics and data in business. Data can support any position, depending on how you use it. It is like having an opinion and finding Scripture to back it up. Almost always the text is taken out of context. The same thing happens with …
How to Start a Writers Group with Sharon Tedford
Learn the tips and best practices for assembling and facilitating an effective and enjoyable writers critique group.
You can listen to this episode How to Start a Writers Group with Sharon Tedford on Christian Publishing Show.
How to Start a Writers Group With Sharon Tedford
Learn the tips and best practices for assembling and facilitating an effective and enjoyable writers critique group.
You can listen to this episode How to Start a Writers Group With Sharon Tedford on Christian Publishing Show.
How to Start a Writers Group with Sharon Tedford
Learn the tips and best practices for assembling and facilitating an effective and enjoyable writers critique Support the show