What are your writing plans for 2025? Is there a new publication where you want to send your article or devotion? Is there a conference you’d like to attend, virtually or in person? Do you need a freelance editor or a literary agent for your project?
Experience has taught us that things can change suddenly. The publishing industry is no different. Each year, dozens of agents and editors move from one company to another; others retire while new editors take their places. Some publications have to shut their doors while others start something new. Magazines rethink their content focus. New freelance editors hang out their shingles. Sending your query to the wrong person at an agency, periodical, or publishing house is not the path to success.
So what do you do?
The answer is The Christian Writers Market Guide 2025. It is packed with more than 1,000 updated entries about publishers, agents, editors, and other industry professionals. You have no idea how many publishing options there are until you hold nearly 500 pages in your hand (or search for the information in the online version of the book).
The 2025 edition has been carefully curated to help you advance your writing career. I’ve heard some writers say, “I can get any of this stuff on the Internet!” My reply is quite simple: “Do you trust Mr. Google?” We strive to ensure our information is accurate and usable and not left to search-engine algorithms.
Ours is the only curated, one-stop shop for the Christian writing industry. This is the ninth consecutive year we have pulled this project together!
The official publication date is December 17, 2024 (next Tuesday), but we’ve worked out a special price with ShopTheWord.com, which is 32% off the retail price. The red buy button below will take you there. It is the best price you will find online. (As of this writing, Amazon.com does not have it discounted.)
See a sample section from a previous version of the guide. (The layout is similar, but the information is updated.)
OR get the online version–only $14.99 for a full year!
Every piece of information in the print edition is on the website, but the advantage of the online version is that it is updated regularly throughout the year. Plus, you can save your searches for later access. Click the image to the right for more information. Only $14.99 per year.
The annual price works out to less than $1.25 a month!
If you wish to have a Kindle edition, you must purchase it from Amazon. It is an ebook version of the paperback. It is only updated when the next year’s edition is released.
The online edition (updated throughout the year) is accessed by subscription via the website at: http://www.christianwritersmarketguide.com.
Some prefer the paperback because they can annotate it, bookmark pages, etc. The online version can save searches, but you cannot annotate your online copy.