Week after week we try to post something meaningful for you to read. Over the years we’ve posted over 1,450 times. It can be a lot of work. So why do we do it?
It is part of our mission to help writers, no matter where they are on their publishing journey. Everyone has to start somewhere and we hope to help make the travels a little less confusing. The business of writing can be hard but those realities are part of the learning process.
In many ways it is a reflection of who we are individually but also corporately as an agency. As our motto says, we are here to “help change the world word by word.”
We hope to bring important industry developments to your attention. And to bring a perspective that may help bring balance to some of the more “scary” news. With an ever changing marketplace we hope to at least touch on the most important issues.
It can also give us a reference to which we can point someone who has asked a question. The blog becomes a library of information.
Writing is a lonely perspective. When you are the only one in the room the self-talk can often have a negative turn. Into that world we hope to bring the occasional moment of relief.
Believe it or not, we are encouraged in return. Your comments. Your personal emails. Your letters. Your words encourage us. I can’t tell you how many times we have been blessed by you.
We want to thank each and every one of you for being a faithful reader. May you have a Merry Christmas and a blog-reading New Year!