Truly a universal language!
Happy 50th Birthday, Star Trek
It was 50 years ago this week that the TV show “Star Trek” made its debut on NBC (September 8, 1966). It lasted for only three years and 79 episodes, but continues to influence our entertainment culture to this day. Did you know who the original producers were? If you guessed Gene Roddenberry you would be half right. The other half of the funding for the show came from Desilu …
Fun Fridays – September 2, 2016
Everybody’s a critic.
In Praise of Slow Writing
It seems counter-intuitive that an agent would suggest that writers slow down. After all, isn’t the volume of output one of the keys to an author’s success? There is a measure of truth in that, but today I’d like to explore the concept of Slow Writing. Think of it as a leisurely walk in the woods as a child. I remember strolling through sticks and leaves exploring the forest …
Fun Fridays – August 26, 2016
Enjoy a humid Summer day with Classical Music fun!
Some Industry News – August 2016
Isn’t it a fact of life that when you go on vacation or try to slow down in summer or during the holidays that something is going to happen? Or do your family cars like to get flat tires or let their batteries die while in your driveway? Such was last week. (We had a car battery decide that it needed a permanent vacation while in the driveway the morning I was trying to go to work.) In the …
54 Pieces of Advice for Your Writers Conference Success
Our agency believes in the importance of a writer’s education and the value of the writers conference experience. We have written over 50 articles that can help you make the most of your conference experience, all of them are listed below. If bound in a single volume it would be a book of nearly 40,000 words. Enjoy! Conference Preparation The Writers Conference Decision Six Excuses (That …
Fun Fridays – August 12, 2016
Enjoy the hilarious Victor Borge!
Revolutionary Words for Your Publishing Success
Did that headline get your attention? It was intentional. There are two key words in it, “revolutionary” and “success,” that are trigger words to make you read what I have written. When the word “publishing” is added it targeted the readers of this blog. And to top it off it was made personal by using the word “your.” It is possible to make this …
Fun Fridays – August 5, 2016
Up close view of Vivaldi’s “Summer – presto” performed by virtuoso David Garrett. Proves the value of practice. Apply to your profession and watch for the results! It also illustrates the genius of the composer. Someone had to write the music first…