Since I am currently at the Realm Makers conference, which is “all speculative fiction all the time,” I thought today’s video would be irresistible–like a snack.
Since I am currently at the Realm Makers conference, which is “all speculative fiction all the time,” I thought today’s video would be irresistible–like a snack.
I recently read a book. Don’t look so surprised. In my annual reading plan (which I discussed here), I try to discover a few new authors every year. One of this year’s authors is the late Brian Doyle, essayist and novelist. His book has been a joy. However, he, like an increasing number of novelists (seemingly), eschews quotation marks in his fictional dialogue. Like this: What does it feel like? …
Have you submitted published and unpublished books to contests but never won or even been a semifinalist? Then you know that congratulating your friends who won can be bittersweet. Consider: Most Books Don’t Win Awards. As with any condition where excellence is recognized (corporations, sports leagues, Emmy and Grammy awards), acclaim is based on a pyramid. Most books will remain at the bottom of …
Success. It is a word that has a “sweet smell” for some and is the “gold ring” of achievement for others. But in order to appreciate success, we must first define it. And there is the rub. Each one of us defines success differently, especially writers. Here are some definitions I’ve heard or seen: Getting an agent My first book contract Selling 20,000 copies of my …
While not a new video, the message in today’s presentation is so powerful that I had to share it. The title is “Every life has a story … if we only bother to read it.” The message cuts to the core of why we work so hard in the publishing industry to tell stories, both fiction and nonfiction. To bring redemption, hope, and new life to those around us. You never know who will …
Hello, my friends, and welcome back. In my last blog post, I asked what topics you’d like me to discuss. One person asked about description. How do you know when you have enough? How do you know how much to keep and what to edit out? So, first, let’s talk about: What is the purpose of description? Description should serve a specific purpose. It’s up to you as the author to determine that purpose. …
When I first dipped my toes into the world of writing Bible studies, I found myself captivated by the work of Erica Wiggenhorn and Kim Erickson. These two remarkable women were pioneers in launching what would become Moody Publisher’s women’s line, and their dedication to teaching the Word with both depth and practicality left me inspired and eager to follow in their footsteps. Nearly …
The romance genre is one of the top-selling genres in the world. Everyone knows the boy and the girl always get together in the end, but how they get there and what hurdles they have to overcome can make for a riveting story. But for Christian authors, romance can be a touchy subject. How do you write romance books that Christian readers want to read and tell their friends about? I asked Sara …
For years, Reg Forder, at his ACW writers conferences, liked to ask his faculty panel, “What is one thing you wish you had known before you became a writer?” Since I joined the publishing side of things after being a bookseller and later became a literary agent, I have given the question some thought. Coming from retail, the hardest thing to grasp was how long it takes to get from a …
Fill your July with PUNS! I changed my iPhone name to Titanic. It’s syncing now. I tried to catch some fog. I mist. When chemists die, they barium. Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. A soldier who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran. I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time. How does Moses make his tea? Hebrews it. I …