How to Sell Christian Books in a Mainstream World
You can listen to this episode 041 How to Sell Christian Books in a Mainstream World on Christian Publishing Show.
How to Sell Christian Books in a Mainstream World
You can listen to this episode 041 How to Sell Christian Books in a Mainstream World on Christian Publishing Show.
In 1931 S. R. Ranganathan proposed the Five Laws of Library Science. The theory behind the laws was to help define the principles of any library system. Today I would like to look at the first four of these laws and see how we can apply them to you as a writer. Books Are for Use I like to ask students if a book has any ministry value if it isn’t read. Of course, it doesn’t. And a book can’t be …
Last week was a modern-day duet. This week we can enjoy the artistry of Chico and Harpo Marx playing a duet on the same piano (from the 1941 movie “The Big Store”). The tune they are playing is “Mama Eu Quero” made famous by Carmen Miranda the year before. What fun!
When I run errands, I park in the lot’s equivalent of the North Pole, so my car doesn’t get dinged. I walk quickly, with swagger and purpose. I learned to do this in my twenties under the advice of security types who said women can deter attacks against themselves by adopting this attitude. I stride everywhere, thinking nothing of how far I need to walk. I whip around impediments. When I took care …
“Where do you get your ideas?” This question was reportedly posed to Stephen King at a writers conference in New England. His answer may seem harsh, but it’s illuminating: “If you have to ask, don’t become a writer.” Most working writers have little trouble coming up with ideas. In fact, most have more ideas for writing projects than they could possibly complete in a lifetime. Ideas can come from …
Sometimes in publishing it’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you don’t know you don’t know. One thing a lot of authors don’t know to even ask about is metadata. Hold on to your horses, ladies and gentlemen, because today we are going to nerd out about metadata with Joshua Tallent. Joshua is a metadata nerd who got his start in publishing making ebooks for a …
Sometimes in publishing it’s not what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, it’s what you don’t know you don’t know. One thing a lot of authors don’t know to even ask about is metadata. Hold on to your horses, ladies and gentlemen, because today we are going to nerd out about metadata with […]
You can listen to this episode 040 What Authors Need to Know About Book Metadata on Christian …
Today the U.S. celebrates Labor Day as a national holiday. For many of us, it used to mark the end of summer and the day before the first day of school. But with many schools starting the year in August, that has been lost. I suspect few don’t know what Labor Day represents other than just a day to go shopping or simply a day off work. I found some material on the official US Department of …
The sheer delight of this duet is fun to watch. Classical pianist Lang Lang and jazz pianist Jon Baptiste sit down and improvise for two minutes on a very familiar piece of music. Enjoy! HT: Trissina Kear
Over the years, I’ve been disappointed by a few people I felt should have supported me, but didn’t. They never shared my happiness in victory so I never shared my defeats with them. They weren’t always too mean; but in times of my successes they might say something like, “You must be so proud.” Folks, a person saying this isn’t proud of you. They’re saying you must be proud of yourself. There’s no …