It was so nice for this video to feature my office at the 0:42 mark. An honor to be included in “The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World.”
[[HAH! I wish.]]
Book Proposal Basics – Endorsements: Who Do You Know?
The endorsement section can be intimidating for the author who’s unsure if her connections in the industry are strong enough to garner endorsements. While that may be a valid concern, don’t let this stop you from submitting your proposal to agents. Often endorsements are received after the book is already contracted and moving toward publication. What we are talking about here is having an …
027 Advertising for Authors Who Don’t Like Math– with Chris Fox
Chris Fox has published over 20 novels, and has a series of non-fiction books that teach writers how to duplicate his success. What is advertising? How is it different from marketing? What are the biggest mistakes authors make when buying ads? Why is advertising so effective? Let’s talk about Facebook ads. How can traditionally-published authors use Facebook ads to grow their lists? What does it …
027 Advertising for Authors Who Don’t Like Math– with Chris Fox
Advertising for Authors Who Don’t Like Math with Chris Fox
You can listen to this episode 027 Advertising for Authors Who Don’t Like Math– with Chris Fox on Christian Publishing Show.
How Long Does It Take to Get Published?
How long does it take to get published? I came to the publishing business from the retail bookstore side of the equation. In the beginning, the biggest adjustment was understanding how long the process for traditional publishing takes. In retail there is instantaneous gratification (customer walks in, buys something, and walks out). With indie publishing there can be nearly instantaneous …
Fun Fridays – May 31, 2019
The Hong Kong Ballet outdid themselves this year with their creative promotional video. Enjoy! Hong Kong Ballet 40th Anniversary Season Brand Video from Design Army on Vimeo.
Book Proposal Basics – Your Publishing History
This section is scary for authors who, for one reason or another, had a book or two that didn’t sell well. Many times, this isn’t even the author’s fault, making weak numbers all the more tragic. However, facts are facts; and we must report them. Please don’t hide anything. No exceptions. Need to Know Book title Publisher Date of Publication Lifetime units sold to date The units sold to date can …
My Favorite Blog Comments
If you’re reading these words, you’re probably aware of the richly informative and entertaining blog posts the agents of the Steve Laube Agency post daily (Monday-Friday). I’m constantly amazed by the wealth of free and valuable information my colleagues share (and I pitch in every Wednesday with some drivel of my own). As helpful as I try to be in my posts, it’s consistently the comments that …
026 What Makes a Book a Christian Book
Questions: If a book is written by a Christian, does that make it Christian? If a book is published by a Christian Publisher, does that make it Christian? If a book is sold in a Christian Bookstore, does that make it Christian? What makes a story a Christian story? What makes a nonfiction book, a Christian book? Links: James Rubart’s Website The Pages of Her Life (Affiliate Link) Sponsor: …
026 What Makes a Book a Christian Book
What Makes a Book a Christian Book?
You can listen to this episode 026 What Makes a Book a Christian Book on Christian Publishing Show.