How an E-Book is Like the Treadmill at the Gym – One of the better explanations regarding the question of whether you own your e-books or not. Read this and comment below if it helps you understand. It is worth your time.
With Bookselling in Deep Turmoil, Book Sales Are on the Rise – Excellent article by Peter Onos for The Atlantic.
May Holidays – Excellent list of events in May that you can use to promote your book. Thank you Edie Melson for the list!
Literary Agents: Now More Than Ever – Thank you Will Weaver for this great article on The Huffington Post.
Who Inherits Your Copyrights? – If you haven’t thought about this yet, now would be a good time!
A short (24 minute) documentary on the importance of C.S. Lewis. You owe it to yourself to watch it sometime soon. Enjoy!