I may have addressed this topic in a blog long ago, but it bears repeating. If you see a blog post written by someone you’re in contact with and think you were the source of that blog, you could be right. And that’s good.
Say, for example, you asked a question about developing a sympathetic heroine. Then, behold! You see a blog post about that topic the next day. It could be a coincidence; the blogger may have written it well before you saw it. I’m writing this post two months before I expect it to go live.
But what if the author wrote the post because you asked a question? Rejoice! You have helped that blogger serve their audience better. If you’re asking a question, so are many others. Instead of the blogger inventing a post on toothpaste brands in publishing, the post is talking about topics that help authors.
And that’s a good thing!
Your turn:
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