If you’ve ever been in an orchestra, marching band, or choir you will recognized the universal nature of rehearsal. Enjoy!
[Thank you Trissina Kear for the tip!]
If you’ve ever been in an orchestra, marching band, or choir you will recognized the universal nature of rehearsal. Enjoy!
[Thank you Trissina Kear for the tip!]
Recently I blogged about whether or not authors make money by attending conferences. While that’s not always easy to determine through cold, hard math, what you can calculate, though in a more fuzzy way, are intangible benefits: Connecting with Internet friends in person. Meeting authors previously unknown to you. Sharing time with others who understand your victories and struggles. Shaking hands …
Years ago, a successful author friend of mine contacted a group of us, horrified at the discovery that another author’s most recent release centered on the very same little-known historical event as her just-turned-in book. What should she do? What if that author—or readers!–thought she’d stolen the other author’s story idea? We all assured her that, as crazy as it may seem, she was far from …
Continuing my twice-yearly focus on bestsellers from years gone by, today we stop the “way-back” machine thirty-five years ago. The New York Times Bestseller lists from June 27, 1982: Fiction The Parsifal Mosaic, by Robert Ludlum. (Spy novel with possible film being recently discussed, thirty-five years later!) The Man From St. Petersburg, by Ken Follett. (A pre-WWI thriller.) The Prodigal …
The Christian Writers Institute is excited to announce a new book by Kathy Tyers called, Writing Deep Viewpoint: Invite Your Readers Into Your Story. (releasing July 14th.) It is one of few fiction craft books to explore the topic of writing the deep point-of-view. Here is what bestselling author Davis Bunn has to say about it: There is no single component of the writing craft as vital to good …
After watching this video I have one question. Do you have a hidden talent too? Enjoy the surprising ability of this young lady! She was a student in New Zealand when her mates discovered her unusual talent.
When thinking of going to any conference, most authors need to consider expenses. A question friends and family might ask is, “Are you making money by going?” I wish I had a firm answer, but the fact is, you may never know. Granted, you might go to a conference, meet an agent and then sign with the agent. Then the agent presents your work to an editor. Soon you receive a contract worth much more …
If you think about it, the first step leading to the eventual sale of any book begins with grabbing someone’s attention with a short description of the book content. The proposal or short description motivates the agent, publisher, book retailer or reader to take the next step, which is different for each, but everything is set in motion by something less than the full manuscript. No one first …
Our guest blogger today is Deborah Raney. We have had the fun of working together since I first became an agent. It also happens that while at Bethany House I was one of the first to review the proposal which became her first novel, A Vow to Cherish, (the inspiration for the World Wide Pictures film of the same title) and launched Deb’s writing career. Twenty years and thirty-plus books later, …
If you liked last week’s Fun Friday with the young “Golden Buzzer” recipient, you will like this one as well. A message to ALL writers out there? Never stop trying to improve your craft. This woman’s story and performance should be an inspiration to us all.