A perfect picture of how we should celebrate the new year!
from the forthcoming book Great Dane Chronicles by Andy Seliverstoff. (Follow this link to see more photos from the book.)
A perfect picture of how we should celebrate the new year!
from the forthcoming book Great Dane Chronicles by Andy Seliverstoff. (Follow this link to see more photos from the book.)
Conferences The year 2016 was a year of travel for me. I was privileged to be on faculty at many conferences. I appreciate the warmth and kindness of conference staff and volunteers, as well as all the hardworking and generous conference directors. Everywhere I went, I felt welcomed and at home. For me, reconnecting with editors and other publishing professionals is always a conference highlight. …
Twice each year, somewhere around the beginning and middle of the calendar, I like to take a look back at books published long ago. This is not simply a nostalgic exercise. If you never consider what came before, authors and publishers can delude themselves into believing they are first ever to explore some new literary territory. But when you look at the past, you discover creativity has always …
It is time to take a look at our past year and reflect on all the things that have happened. It is a recitation of good things and not so good things. But all were under the sovereignty of God and as such we give all glory to Him. (If you’d like to look at previous annual reports they can be found here: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2009.) The Agency Continues to Have Success We (the four of us) …
The 2017 edition of The Christian Writers Market Guide is officially available in print and ebook (paperback $22.99, ebook $9.99). Check your favorite bookstore or online retailer for a copy. Make sure you have a copy of this book in your arsenal! We are also very excited to announce that all the content of the guide is now available online via a subscription service (click here to see for …
May you have a blessed Christmas! Today’s video starts with a quote from Scrooge which sounds like some of the things we see and read during this beautiful season. Thankfully there is another message that is found in Advent. Enjoy this poignant message.
Today is Don’s and my 37th anniversary. Don likes to say we’ve been happily married for 20 years, and that’s not bad out of 37. <grin> While he’s being funny, he’s also being honest. Ours has not been an easy marriage. We’ve been through many years of counseling with pastors, friends, and professional counselors. To say we’ve learned a lot is a major understatement. And quite a bit of it has …
When I have been part of a Bible study or discussion group, I am often affected deeply by the flawed nature of every human discussed in Scripture, except for the God/Man who came at Christmas. In a sense, it is base-level proof of the truthfulness and reliability of the Bible. The Bible as pure propaganda certainly wouldn’t include sordid tales of our predecessors screwing up more than they …
Week after week we try to post something meaningful for you to read. Over the years we’ve posted over 1,450 times. It can be a lot of work. So why do we do it? Mission It is part of our mission to help writers, no matter where they are on their publishing journey. Everyone has to start somewhere and we hope to help make the travels a little less confusing. The business of writing can be hard …
This is a Christmas video you absolutely must watch.