Ever been in a meeting like this?
It never happens in book publishing. Ever.
However, publishing does like its fiction…
Ever been in a meeting like this?
It never happens in book publishing. Ever.
However, publishing does like its fiction…
Imagine receiving this letter with your utility bill: Dear Family: Please see the attached statement asking for payment. We are so very sorry that we feel the need to ask you for payment. We know we have provided electricity and running water for you faithfully, and without interruption, all month. Judging from your usage, these are services you both need and want. As you are aware, Hestia, the …
Does it seem to any of you that things the last few months or so have been really hard? That there are more people struggling and hurting? As I’ve gone through my dad’s continued health struggles (2 more hospitalizations in the last 3 ½ weeks), my own health frustrations (bursitis on my knee after starting an exercise program of walking on the treadmill. I mean, seriously? I start exercising and …
Dear World, Those of us involved in Christian publishing can’t help but notice you are hurting. While our work is to write and publish books, one or more times each week we gather to worship and pray to the Creator God, considering ways we can ease your pain. I hope you know we care. There are dozens of new books with Christian themes coming out every week. They contain information and inspiration …
Trim size is one of those terms we use frequently when talking about the dimensions of your printed book. The term comes from the fact that during the printing process the pages of the book first printed on large sheets which are folded, glued, and later “trimmed” to a specific size. (This linked video shows the entire book printing process.) Go to your shelf and pull down a few titles and measure …
Watch the entire nine minute segment from last week’s “America’s Got Talent” audition. Amazing. Now, as a writer, think of this from the judge’s perspective (or the agent or editor’s perspective). There are talented people who perform well and deserve praise. And then comes something special that stands out. Those of us on this side of the desk have experienced …
Conferences are fun and busy. Here are some tips on how to enjoy them even more! Be Mindful of What You Eat Since many conferences have plenty of delicious food, it’s easy to overindulge. I find that if I don’t overeat, I feel better. It’s extremely important for those with allergies to avoid food with mysterious ingredients. You don’t want to find out too late that you accidentally ate a food …
If there’s anything I hate to do, it’s wait. At the gas station, at the grocery store, at the doctor’s office…it’s wait, wait, wait! Drives me nuts. I want to get going, get things done, move, do something! Not just stand or sit there. If you’ve been at this writing gig for long, you’ve faced that most difficult aspect of writing. The Waiting. You scramble to refine your craft, make your …
Authors write books to readers and once in a while a reader will write to an author. Here’s an imagined letter from a reader. As you consider viewing your work through their eyes, maybe taking a moment to actually see inside their world would change the way you approach your work. Dear author, I am no one special, I just like to read. The first books in my life were read to me, and it got me …
Last Friday I posted a fun song about Millennials. Earlier this year a number of articles told of a Pew Research report that declared there are more Millennials in America than Baby Boomers. There are now over 75 million people ages 18-34. Boomers (ages 51-69) are no longer the largest demographic. (And there are more 22-years-olds today than any other age group.) This was inevitable, of course, …