Book domino fun! A new world record. SUBLIME!
Below this video is another domino record. Words fail to describe.
Book domino fun! A new world record. SUBLIME!
Below this video is another domino record. Words fail to describe.
by Karen Ball Okay, everyone out there who has:
tried, over and over, to be accountable to someone or something, and failed…
started any number of wonderful endeavors, only to have the energy/motivation/time commitment fizzle out…
set a word count, then revised…and revised…and revised…and…yeah, you get the idea…
given yourself a deadline to finish your …
I looked back some of my Tuesday blog posts and thought I might be getting too serious, so I wanted to lighten it up a bit with some practical, helpful information that should help you navigate and understand the complicated world of publishing.
Here are words you might hear in relation to publishing or describing a particular book and its real meaning:
“A must-read” – Acquisitions editor …
by Steve Laube
This past weekend I had the privilege, once again, to attend and participate in the C.S. Lewis Foundation’s Fall retreat in Houston.
Not a typical writers conference it focuses on the extraordinary contribution of Lewis and his fellow Inklings and ultimately a celebration of the Arts in light of the incarnation of Christ. The speakers were extraordinary. They included:
Devin …
Two reactions to today's video.
First. "Are you insane? Football on concrete?"
Second. "Oh to be young again."
Often I receive queries and proposals in which the author will say his submission is out of the box. I'm not opposed to groundbreaking work, but I have to decide what will and what won't work for me. I am the first to admit, this process is subjective. Our own Steve Laube is routinely teased by a couple of his successful author friends he turned down. If an agent as wise as Steve Laube misses a …
You’ve heard the old saying, “Can’t see the forest for the trees”? In other words, you can see each tree, take note of the beautiful leaves and strong branches, but because you’re focused on them you don’t see the whole forest. The big picture. And that, my friends, is where it helps to have freelance editors on your team.
Yes, for some, the editor role is filled by an in-house editor. But if …
Today is the first Tuesday in November…election day somewhere.
Have you ever wondered why so many people in politics never seem to actually solve problems and do what is right? The explanation is actually rather simple:
Many politicians exhibit those traits that are characteristic of unsuccessful people.
In what world of relationships, work, church, community or business would a person …
This is the kind of half-time show I'd much rather see during the Super Bowl.
Make sure to watch until the end. It is truly incredible.
1.) The agent hates me. Unless you approached her and said something along the lines of, "You and your kids are ugly and you have lousy taste in manuscripts," a rejection shouldn't be personal.
But if you are worried that you unintentionally offended an agent or other publishing professional, take action. Email to let him know you have been worried about why you may have been the cause of …