Don’t be this guy:
When Your Agent Makes You Speed Up
by Tamela Hancock Murray
Since I wrote last week about when your agent may make you slow down, I thought this week it might be fun to write about why your agent may make you speed up. Now, speeding up is never, never to occur at the risk of writing less than your best. Story craft, along with care and attention to detail, are always musts for fiction and nonfiction. But there are times …
Refine Your Focus
Let’s talk about Focus.
I like Webster’s definitions:
Focus (noun)
a : adjustment (as of the eye or an eyepiece) for distinct vision
b : the position in which something must be placed (as in relation to a camera lens) for clearness of image or clarity of mental perception
: a central point: as
a : a center of activity or attraction or one drawing the greatest attention and …
News You Can Use – March 19, 2013
MyBookTable WordPress Plugin – Do not wait another minute. Go right now and sign up for this KickStarter program by Thomas Umstattd and Author Media. It will make your web site so much more efficient when it comes to selling your books via your web site. At least watch the four minute video.
Care for a little debate about blogging? Read these two entries and decide:
Author Blogging: What’s …
Fun Fridays – March 15, 2013
A visual demonstration of what a multi-tasking agent seems to do every day.
And then someone comes along and yanks all support.
Why Your Agent May Slow You Down
Your agent may slow you down.
And this is good!
And, why is that?
I've been a writer myself, so I understand the frustration you must be feeling as you read my words. Who wants to slow down? Believe me, when I was waiting for my first book to be published, I only half-joked that it would be released posthumously. So I understand that writers don't want to wait another ten minutes to see …
Get Focused
Do you hear it?
Voices… all around you…thoughts and opinions on the state of publishing, on what sells and what doesn’t, on good ideas and bad…words zipping back and forth in the ether. Write this. Write that. This is how you market. This is the key to platform. Buzz words. Marketing. Blogging. Craft. Deep POV. Are you Pinning? Tweeting? Linked-in? Google plussed? Skilled in …
News You Can Use – March 12, 2013
Plagiarism and the Link - How one author got sued when his publisher forgot to include the proper hyperlinks in his article. Read this article before write another thing.
Legal Issues for Authors - Particularly Those Who Self-Publish - An interview with Paul Rapp and attorney who specializes in intellectual property law. (Click here for his many articles on various topics in this area.)
How …
Fun Fridays – March 8, 2013
The "feel good" story of the month.
I want to go to this place for lunch!
Florida Christian Writers Conference Report
This past week I was privileged to be on faculty at the Florida Christian Writers Conference. This conference is now being run by the lovely Eva Marie Everson and the wonderful Mark Hancock. I like to joke with Mark that he is my long lost relative. If our hosts had not agreed to take over, last year's conference would have been the final Florida conference after 25 consecutive years. Instead, we …