Today’s cartoon shows how an author can control a free-spirited character. With hilarious results.
A New Association for Christian Retailers
Last week, in “response to changes in the industry,” one of which I addressed in the post “Rumbles in CBA,” a new retail association has been formed. The Munce Group has long been a strong collection of Christian retailers who used their combined buying power to market and sell more products in their local stores. With the uncertainty of the ICRS (International Christian Retail Show) and the …
Fun Fridays – October 26, 2018
This is fun! Watch the whole thing and see if you are a good observer.
Changes in the Agency
The Greek philosopher Plato, in quoting Heraclitus, wrote, “Everything changes and nothing stands still.” Some say it another way, “The only constant is change.” In 2016 Dan Balow started a small publishing company called Gilead Publishing, which he has been overseeing in his “spare time” while simultaneously being a great literary agent. After many long conversations, it became apparent, as …
Fun Fridays – October 19, 2018
Tim Hawkins is a favorite comedian. This new video is no exception! HT: Dan Balow (blame this one on Dan) For more video fun by Tim Hawkins, visit his site:
Of Making Many Books There Is No End
This past week Bowker, the company that issues ISBN numbers for published books, released their annual statistics. They broke out the numbers for self-published books and revealed a stunning statistic. (If you want the history and explanation of the ISBN, read my scintillating post on the topic here. Each country issues their own ISBNs; Bowker is the one for the U.S.) The total number of ISBNs …
Fun Fridays – October 12, 2018
Stefan Xidas has Down Syndrome and a dream of singing the National Anthem before a Chicago Cubs baseball game. His wish came true a month ago. And, as promised, he now has raised over $20,000 for Special Olympics at this GoFundMe page. This one simply gave me a joy-filled smile. Hope it does the same for you. The full song is below in a second video. Dreams can come true.
Words That Still Get Misused
The infographic below from is a fantastic reminder of commonly misused words. They did miss one. I have to pause every time before I write “affect” or “effect.” reads, “Most of the time, you’ll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and …
Fun Fridays – October 5, 2018
For all you band geeks. With high-school football in full swing across the U.S., I thought you might enjoy the creativity of this trombone section from China Springs, Texas. 90 seconds of sheer concentration. One mistake might put someone in the hospital!
Thomas Umstattd, Jr. Joins The Steve Laube Agency
I am very excited to announce that Thomas Umstattd, Jr. has joined the agency as our newest literary agent. We continually look for ways to increase the services our agency provides to current and potential clients. I have known Thomas for 12 years; and by adding him to our agency, we can expand our role in helping to maximize our client’s sales through his extensive experience in marketing, …