I’ve said for years that the “separation” between the Christian and the General publishing markets is more of a hedge than a wall. And yet it can still be daunting to traverse.
I’ve said for years that the “separation” between the Christian and the General publishing markets is more of a hedge than a wall. And yet it can still be daunting to traverse.
Facts can lie…depending on how that are presented or understood. Today I’ll keep this blog post focused on writers choosing a literary agent, based on one question. When choosing a literary agent, authors need to make assessments. Some authors ask agents questions such as, “How many deals did you make last year?” or other questions requiring a response involving some sort of number. …
Thanks so much for sharing your tips and sources for ideas last week. What fun to read your thoughts and insights. I’d invite you all to review those comments from time to time, considering if one or more of them might not help you expand the ways you develop ideas. For today, though, I want to encourage you to give something a try, and that’s an Idea Journal. This isn’t a regular journal. It’s …
The other day, a copy of the new Yellow Pages and phone directory was delivered to our house. As I picked it up off the front step, I was reminded it has been years since I even looked at one. The recycling container has it now. I suppose I will regret tossing it if I lose internet access for a long time, or if I need to level a wobbly table, but the fact a Yellow Pages edition is still produced …
If you could ask me ANY question you wanted about writing or publishing for the Christian writer, what would your question be? Here is your chance. I will be the guest on a live 70 minute TeleSeminar hosted by Terry Whalin tomorrow, January 17th at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern Time. The event is free. All you need to do is write your question at http://www.askstevelaube.com. In exchange for entering …
I have lived in Phoenix for 40 years. Winter has beautiful weather and brings visitors from the frozen north. But, as this weatherman discovered, sometimes it can get a little toasty in the desert. His reaction is priceless: HT: Vicki Crumpton
Recently I was asked by an author (not a client) if I could spend “ten minutes” talking on the phone about a book before I see the submission. I prefer to see the work first. Some questions may enter the author’s mind in response to that. Here are my answers. What’s the matter, are you too “busy” or snobby to talk to authors? No, I am not. In fact, I believe most people find time to do what they …
The beginning of a whole new year seems like a good time to think about new ideas. Specifically, new ideas for stories to write. We all have our favorite sources for new ideas. Some pull story ideas from breaking news stories, some from their own personal experiences or struggles, some from the lives of those they know, some from all of the above and more. Next week I’ll share some ways to spark …
Written with tongue firmly planted in cheek… Managing your social media is a meaningless treadmill of work with no real purpose. While it seems to be one of the most efficient and effective ways to promote books and authors, really, who needs it? Sure, every publisher wants authors with strong social media numbers and self-published authors find it critical to their success, but other than …
Last month we moved our website to a new host server. As part of the move we discovered that we needed to change the security for the site. If you look carefully at the URL when visiting the site you’ll notice that it now has “https” at the beginning instead of “http”. The “s” at the end indicates there is a level of security on the site that was not …