A real page turner!
Your Brand is Not a Limitation
It is All About Expectations What if you bought a recording from a music group expecting their usual collection of ballads, only to hear guitar anthems? Or what if you picked up a book with a pink cover that promised a love story but ended up reading a novel where hapless and nameless victims suffered gunshot wounds on every page? You’d be disappointed, right? I would be. You don’t …
Let Creativity Flow (Part Two)
I love the ideas you all shared about finding and sparking creavity. It’s fascinating to see how we’re all wired different. My next few blogs will share some additional things you can do to refill the wells of creavity. Have fun!
1. Disconnect from technology. Okay, don't hyperventilate. But think about it. We have to be the most connected, available, interruptable people ever! Give yourself a …
News You Can Use – Jan. 17, 2012
Thank you for the overwhelming response to our survey last week. We had almost 100% confirmation that we should continue this feature. So you are stuck with it!
Publicity Calendar for 2012 - EVERY author should download this PDF and see if there is something they can capitalize on! This is a brilliant resource.
Write for Your Audience - An excellent article from a YA author on the challenge …
Fun Fridays – Jan. 13, 2012
A delightful book-centric video for you today!
How Many Critiques Spoil the Broth?
Today I'll give my opinion on a question sent to our blog:
When an author is trying to find the right Genre to write in for a particular subject, is it profitable to listen to only one critique?
The author who posed this question is in the discovery phase. Writers who read lots of books and have developed a love for many types of stories often have trouble deciding what to write. …
Let Creativity Flow (Part One)
There are days when it flows as free as the Rogue River (and anyone who’s ever been to Oregon knows that’s free indeed!) When ideas come so hard and fast you can scarcely keep up. When the words fly from your fingers, through the keyboard, and onto the page. When creativity happens, it’s electric, exciting, energizing.
And then there are other days.
Days when you sit at the …
Did You Miss Today’s “News You Can Use”?
For quite some time we have been providing various links on Tuesdays under the title “News You Can Use.” This post takes considerable time to compile. But since it doesn’t create discussion or comments we have little idea if anyone is reading this weekly post. Therefore we are asking if you can click two buttons below to respond to our survey. And, if you have a topic you would …
The Perils of Social Media
Facebook. Twitter. Shoutlife. LinkedIn. Dopplr. Google+. Plaxo. Blogger. WordPress. Shelfari. Goodreads. Writer's loops. Conference loops. Endless loops.
By the time I finish updating my status, writing my blogs, tweeting, pasting my bulletins, my newest pictures, my URLs and YouTube links, recruiting friends, recommending friends, sharing reads, rating reads, ranking reads, ranking friends, …
Fun Fridays – Jan. 6, 2012
Kevin Olusola, "Celloboxing" - the talent of playing the cello and beatboxing at the same time. Give it until the one minute mark and then try to keep your jaw from dropping.
Kevin is also the "percussion" for the "Sing-Off" competition winning group "Pentatonix."