Having an Agent Doesn’t Guarantee a Book Deal
Good morning, friends. Mr. Happy, Steve Laube, is going to say happy things today that will warm your hearts and tickle your toes. Well, maybe not. Unfortunately some may not like this dose of reality, but to prepare you for the wild and woolly world of publishing I think you should hear it. Getting an agent to represent you isn’t a guarantee of a book contract. It is a step in that …
Fun Fridays – October 21, 2022
Can you follow this magician? I don’t care how many times you watch it, it’s still magic! (If you cannot see the embedded video in your newsletter email, please click the headline and go directly to our site to view it.)
Developmental and Copy Editing
Last week, I shared a few thoughts on how I edit manuscripts very little, if at all. But rest assured, when you work with me, you are not alone. Using definitions of different types of editing offered by Steve Laube, I’ll explain my process over the next two blog posts. If developmental editing, that means someone “fixing” the story. Like most writers, I call this “brainstorming” with authors. …
Building Your Platform Without Becoming a Narcissist
Authors in the process of building and maintaining their media platforms can easily slip into a self-focused effort, evaluating every relationship with an eye toward their personal benefit, seeking attention in any way possible, and exhibiting all the traits of destructive pride. Well now, there’s a cheery thought to start the day. Some little hairs must have gotten under my collar after my last …
A Lesser Known Woman in the History of Christian Publishing: Emma Revell Moody
You may know a lot about Dwight L. Moody, his famous school (Moody Bible Institute), Moody Radio, and Moody Publishers. But what about his wife, Emma? In the midst of America’s Civil War, Emma Revell married Dwight L. Moody. He was a dedicated Christian who began as a successful shoe salesman but felt called to teach the gospel in a poor area of Chicago. So many families came that he and Emma …
Fun Fridays – October 14, 2022
Today’s video is quite inspiring. I had to watch it more than once. It is from the 2016 Paralympic Games. Each runner is blind and is accompanied by a sighted partner. I struggle to imagine running full speed without sight. It’s hard enough with it. I could not help but think of a dozen word pictures this action displays for us. In our daily walk with God. In our lonely struggle as …
Four Short Prayers for Writers
From time to time, because I believe that prayer is the Christian writer’s first and most important task, I post on this blog a prayer that I’ve written and prayed for my writing. Some, however, are so short that they don’t lend themselves to the kind of superior quality I regularly achieve in my blog posts. (Okay, so I’ll pray for humility—happy now?) So I thought today I would post four—that’s …
A Few Edited Words
Sometimes writers will ask me if, as a literary agent, I edit manuscripts before submitting them to publishers. I choose not to touch a manuscript for several reasons: (1) I love your writing, so I don’t think you need my edits. (2) I worked for many years as a professional writer but not as a professional editor. (3) Since I have worked as a professional writer, I understand the emotions behind …
Creatively Cowriting With God With Allen Arnold
In this interview Allen Arnold shares a framework for creatives who want to create their art with God rather than as a performance for him.
You can listen to this episode Creatively Cowriting With God With Allen Arnold on Christian Publishing Show.