In this interview Allen Arnold shares a framework for creatives who want to create their art with God rather than as a performance for him.
You can listen to this episode Creatively Cowriting With God With Allen Arnold on Christian Publishing Show.
In this interview Allen Arnold shares a framework for creatives who want to create their art with God rather than as a performance for him.
You can listen to this episode Creatively Cowriting With God With Allen Arnold on Christian Publishing Show.
In a change of pace today, I thought I’d post a link to an online guest lecture I did on the Transfiguration of Jesus. It is part of the “God’s Glory, Our Delight” Gospel Spice series hosted by Stephanie Rousselle. Click here to be taken to the hosted page for the study. I originally recorded it 18 months ago (in the midst of the pandemic shutdown), and it was used in one …
Weird English Language Quirks What is another word for “thesaurus”? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly, or peccable? If a book about failure doesn’t sell, is it a success? Did you know that “verb” is a noun? If there are typos in a dictionary, how would you know? A novelist once wrote, “He sat with his head in his hands and his eyes on the floor.” …
Every part of the book publishing ecosystem adjusted its perspective to accommodate both traditional publishing and author-published works. It wasn’t long ago these two paths were treated as either/or decisions; but now they are both/and. Many traditional publishers offer author-paid services, some agents have indie services for clients, and a large number of authors publish both traditional and …
We write to be read. To be published. To make a difference. To touch a life. Right? Of course, right. But those of us who write blog posts, articles, books, and even games (yes, that’s a thing, and maybe I’ll write about it in the near future) put immense pressure on ourselves to be accepted, get a contract, win an award, and so on. But whether or not your work is published, your writing is still …
In this interview Allen Arnold shares a framework for creatives who want to create their art with God rather than as a performance for Support the show
With inflation in the news, it is becoming a bit more difficult to calculate the current buying power of a dollar when compared to the past. (The Phoenix area where we live has experienced 13% inflation in the past year.) But this isn’t a post about inflation. Instead, it is a method to help you with your research. I made $1.80 an hour stuffing envelopes for my first job with a paycheck. I …
You are the canine in this story. You’ve spent years working to master your genre only to find three newbies, who aren’t even trained, setting up residence in YOUR genre! What do you do? Protest. Demonstrate your displeasure to your writing community. Huff and puff. Realize there is plenty of room and you don’t own the genre. It’s okay to share. Anybody relate?
Today, glance through a potpourri of book releases, important dates, and defining events that make up book publishing in general and Christian publishing specifically. Not all the books or events are “Christian” in nature, but their presence created historical markers to give perspective. (I stopped at 2010 since events and books take time to become true historical markers.) 1440 – German Johann …
It is important to treat the use of quoting the Bible like you would in quoting any source material. Too frequently I run across an author who has not bothered to take that step. But they should. The Word of God is powerful and should not be taken for granted. There are many readers who admit to skipping over Bible verses when quoted in full. The thought is that they are already familiar with …