Because this blog’s primary purpose is to help authors by dispensing opinions and advice, posts may hit close to home. A long time ago, I read an article in which a blogger I’d recently interacted with made a snarky remark. I thought, Is the blogger talking about me? So I know that sinking, disturbing feeling of wondering if I’ve been surreptitiously called out in public. I’m glad I saw the post because that remark helped me be as sensitive as possible in trying not to make anyone uncomfortable.
If you see a post along the lines of “Ten things not to say to an agent” or “Five terrible cover letters,” you might think, Oh, no! I said that! or Her assistant sent me a rejection yesterday. I know she’s talking about me!
For one, I write my posts well in advance. If you interacted with my office last week, know I wrote my blog post long ago. My words are meant for the general writing community, not anyone specific. I hope to save writers time.
Thank you for reading my blog posts. I appreciate all of you. The fact that you’re reading these posts in hopes of sending submissions I can take seriously means everything.
Happy submitting!