Watch this performance by a twelve year old girl. Brilliant! I felt like giving it my own standing ovation.
Variety Is the Spice of Characters
Recently I read a general market novel where I noticed that the characters sounded the same in a way. For example, for earning money, two disparate characters said, “made scratch.” The phrase jumped out at me the first time because it’s one I simply don’t use. So when a second character used the same expression, my mind wandered out of the story and into thinking about the expression. The book …
First Lines For All!
Last week we considered some powerful first lines that we’ve read. And, as promised, here are the books they’re from: “This is my favorite book in all the world, though I have never read it.” The Princess Bride, William Goldman “It’s Nathan’s fault I became God.” The God Game, Andrew Greely “I once listened to an Indian on television say that God was in the wind and the water, and I wondered at …
It’s Never One Thing
Somewhat of a follow-up to last week’s post on the future being a complex mix of everything rather than one magic solution, today we will focus on authors and what it takes to make a successful writing career. Like everything else in life, it is never one thing. Success is always a result of a variety of things that came together to make it work. The same is true for something considered …
A Few Misused Words and Phrases
Three years ago Karen wrote about some “Misused Words and Phrases” but today I thought I’d add to her great list with some that I’ve found troublesome when discovered in a proposal or a book. Penultimate This is carelessly used to mean “the best” or “the greatest.” Penultimate means next to the last in a series or sequence. Not the best of the best. …
Fun Fridays – April 29, 2016
Horrible Histories presents two sketches… (the second one starts at the 1:48 mark). You could say we are “honoring” Shakespeare’s 400th Anniversary again…. Enjoy!
Nonfiction Checklist
Although I represent many works of quality fiction, I also look for the very special nonfiction project. As you prepare your proposal, here is a four-point checklist that might help determine if yours could work for an agent: A Great Title Lots of nonfiction is geared to impulse buyers. If you can convince a shopper to pick your book up from a spin rack or click and place in a virtual cart, based …
The Beauty of First Lines
Has it happened to you? That moment when you open a book, let your eyes rest on the first page, and suddenly, you’re transported. Or shocked. Or laughing. Because the very first line has done exactly what the author hoped. It grabbed you, pulling you into the story as inexorably as a Pacific ocean riptide will carry you out to sea. And, depending on the kind of book, it can be equally terrifying. …
It’s All About The Reader
No matter the issue, everyone is on the lookout for the one new thing that will make everything that preceded it obsolete and make their lives simpler and better. The miracle pill, the new technique, the new technology, the killer-app, the new diet, plug in whatever new, shiny thing you like and life will be better because of it. The reason we look for the one thing is the feeling that if only all …
Honored Again in “Top 101 Websites for Writers”
For the second year in a row we have been honored by Writers Digest as one of the top websites for writers in their new 2016 list. (The full list is only available to subscribers or if you buy the May/June 2016 issue here.) Their annual listing continues to be a great resource to all writers.A special thanks goes to Dan, Karen, and Tamela who work hard each week to explore all things publishing …