What if headlines for Old Testament stories were written for the Internet?
Original found at: https://wronghands1.com/2016/09/30/clickbait-old-testament/. Used under the provision of Creative Commons.
What if headlines for Old Testament stories were written for the Internet?
Original found at: https://wronghands1.com/2016/09/30/clickbait-old-testament/. Used under the provision of Creative Commons.
We’ve all heard the expression, “You can’t make these things up.” For instance, you might get an eviction notice and be served divorce papers on the same day that your dog dies and you have an auto accident that puts you in the hospital with a broken back, which leads to your ex getting the kids full time and you being fired since you missed picking the kids up from school and you missed …
I love going to the Oregon coast. love the power and beauty and sense of God’s creative genius that surrounds me when I’m there. Ever since I was little, I’ve looked on the ocean as a friend, even played tag with the water as it came in, daring it to wash over my bare feet, running when it got close, laughing when it caught me. (Yes, I still do this.) Recently, though, while at the coast, I was …
I believe some of the most powerful books ever written by Christians will be published in the coming years. Why? Despite our best efforts, Christians failed to transform culture through the ballot box, boycotts, ministry/church programs and use of the media. Worldwide, Christians are not a moral majority but an imperfect minority. All the seminars, books, and evangelistic meetings did not make the …
As you may know, last Wednesday saw the Chicago Cubs baseball team win the World Series, their first time since 1908. To put it in historical perspective, in 1908 Teddy Roosevelt was president of the U.S. (Taft was elected in November of that year). The Summer Olympics were moved to London because Rome was financially ruined by the eruption of Mt. Vesuius a couple years earlier. The first Model-T …
Painting while singing “The Star Spangled Banner”…fantastic.
Last week I wrote about information dumps, offering sketches of Valencia, Brad, and Joan. You might have noticed that all three fit the antihero characterization. They aren’t the type of people most of us would seek to spend much time with in real life. So why should they be in a book, particularly as main characters? According to Dictionary.com, an antihero is: …
Recently a friend and I walked on a beach in Oregon. All around us were countless treasures the tide had brought in and deposited in the sand. Rocks, shells, driftwood…so many beautiful, intriguing items to pick up and examine. I’ve always been a gatherer when I’m on the beach, collecting items to take home and put in my garden, remembrances of my visits. But my friend? She picked up as many …
It’s a mystery to many authors why Christian memoirs have such a difficult time finding their way in the book publishing market. In fact, this agency specifically states on our website “Guidelines” page that we aren’t looking for personal stories. If you want to share your Christian faith with another person, you tell them your story. But the very thing which is an effective tool for personal …
You have sent your project to an editor or an agent. Their guidelines state “We will respond within 6-8 weeks.” Do you mark your calendar on day 56 and send that person a query the minute the deadline passed? This past week one of my clients set a personal record for waiting. She was contacted by a magazine asking to publish a poem she submitted…in 1990. You read that right. …