There seems to be something in my eye. Maybe watching this story will explain:
Navigating Social Media Before You are Published
Many new authors ask me a good question. “I don’t have a book to promote. How do I build a social media platform?” At this point, you’re becoming a friend to your potential readers. I like to use the example of my mother-in-law. Years ago, she adored watching Regis and Kathie Lee on television. To her, they were like friends. Of course, they weren’t, really. But to her and many others, they felt …
We’re Stylin’ Now! – A Style Sheet Template
As promised last week, here’s the template for the style sheet I use. Feel free to change, add, and adapt as you wish! Have fun. STYLE SHEET Title: Author: Updated: I find it’s a good idea to put the date I’ve updated the sheet to ensure I send the most recent one with my manuscript. These first sections are for fiction and nonfiction Source Materials This is where I list my primary sources, such …
Selecting the Right Comp Titles
Whenever you write a proposal for an agent or editor, you are asked to include a section of previously published books that are similar in theme or style to yours. In the guidelines section for proposals submission on our website (link provided below), we say it this way: “A listing of other books available that are similar to yours and a brief explanation of how yours is both different and/or …
Ten Most Popular Works of Christian Fiction
I like reading lists of great books in hopes of discovering one I had missed or had not considered reading before. About ten days ago Josh Katzowitz had an article on Newmax listing the top ten most popular Christian novels of all time. Click through to see his comments on each title. Below are his top ten: A Wrinkle in Time – Madeleine L’Engle Christy – Catherine Marshall The End of the Affair – …
Fun Fridays – Nov. 6, 2015
In celebration of the birth of our first grandchild last week (Caleb!) I bring you a YouTube favorite: “Puppies and a Baby!” The combination should bring a smile to your face.
The Joy of the Love Story
Sometimes readers will tell me they don’t understand why anyone would enjoy genre romance novels. Sometimes they’ll even grimace and shudder. I can tell you a couple of reasons why these are such great books: They Make Sense Some books don’t make sense. If you read book reviews, you’ll see that a plot not making sense is a frequent complaint. As for everything making sense, perhaps my faith (or …
Style Sheet: Don’t Let Your Manuscript Leave Home Without It
Okay, everyone sing it with me… “We’ve got trouble, folks. “Right here in Laube City. “With a capital T and that rhymes with E and that stands for EDITOR!” Ah, the joys of being edited. How often have you received a manuscript back from an editor only to find that this person changed elements of your manuscript that never should have been changed? That she “corrected” terminology specific to an …
Not Going My Way?
In case you haven’t noticed, things in the world are generally not going the Christian-way in politics, law, education, business, marriage, religion…or anything else. Evil seems to winning all around us. American Christians who once thought of themselves as the “moral majority” are now the “imperfect minority.” We thought we could change the world through the ballot box. We were wrong. Call it …
Fun Fridays – Oct. 30, 2015
Dressing up your poor dog and taking a photo? Priceless. (No that is not our dog. We have a cat. But on Halloween we tell people she is a dog in disguise.)