“Enjoying” the flu season.
Back on January 8th
We are taking a short break. Resuming on January 8th. Happy New Year! The Steve Laube Agency
Fun Fridays – ‘Twas the Night Before Deadline’
Enjoy this Christmas Fun Friday guest post written by Frank Ball a number of years ago. Frank is a great friend to all writers, having mentored hundreds of them over the years. (Visit his personal website here.) With his permission I changed the title a little and the opening line to fit today’s theme. ‘Twas the Night Before Deadline ‘Twas the night before deadline, when all …
Jingle Bells, Taco Shells: The Art of Being a Mom-Writer
‘Tis the season to be jolly, right? Well, not if you’re a mom-writer caught in the whirlwind of holiday chaos while trying to meet deadlines, market your latest book, and wear more hats than Santa himself. It’s easy to get swept up in the never-ending to-do list; but what if I told you that it’s okay to give yourself the gift of simply being a mom, especially during this …
Words That Save Christmas
I love Christmas and almost everything about it. I can’t wait until November 1 when I can “legally” start listening to the four different Christmas music channels I’ve curated on my Pandora subscription. Long ago I shifted my Christmas music preferences from the “White Christmas” category of seasonal songs to the music celebrating Christ’s birth and never looked back. One Christmas Eve many years …
Have Yourself a Query Little Christmas
Whatever other gifts you may receive this Christmas season, consider giving yourself something that will raise your spirits and may even move your writing hopes and dreams forward. Query something. A query is a brief but detailed one-page letter (or email) written to interest an editor or agent in your … thing (article, book, screenplay, etc.). Some aspiring writers are hesitant to query …
Merry Christmas 2023
Every year, we contemplate the wondrous mystery of the Incarnation. The eternal God coming to us in the form of a baby. And his name is called Jesus. J.I. Packer wrote in his book Knowing God: The Almighty appeared on earth as a helpless human baby, needing to be fed and changed and taught to talk like any other child. The more you think about it, the more staggering it gets. Nothing in fiction is …
Fun Fridays – December 15, 2023
A performance you can listen to over and over. Soli Deo Gloria!
The Best Reading Resolution for 2024
Recently, one of my elderly Christian friends shocked me by admitting she’s never read the whole Bible. I feel sad for her because I can tell she’s not planning to make reading the Bible a goal. Each time I read the entire Bible, I become a better person, although never superior to others. Now is the time Whether you have never read the full Bible, have read it once or twice, or choose to read it …
Story Structure Part #4 – Three Act Structure
[Due to a technological glitch, this post did not go out in our newsletter feed, so we are posting it again for those who missed it.] Welcome back to our series on story structure. Last time I talked about Pinch Point #1. Remember, a “pinch point” in a story is a moment where the antagonist’s power is showcased, applying pressure to the protagonist and emphasizing the stakes at …