What if a Worship Service was announced like an NBA game?
Remember the NBA? The strike is practically over. For those of you who missed the opening of the season, this video will have to suffice.
Christian Romance — Fact or Fiction?
In response to a recent blog post, "A Matter of Taste," a reader asked what I would say if someone claimed there is no such thing as Christian romance.
In fact, I have been confronted with this question before. At a Christian writers' conference a few years ago, a woman told me in a snide manner that romance is a "fantasy" and walked away before I could respond. I felt especially sad that the …
Threads in the Fabric
If you came to visit my office, you’d see my walls are lined with bookshelves. Twelve in all—six ceiling-to-floor shelves and another six half that height. Plenty of room for all my books, right? Yeah, that’d be nice. I still have box upon box of books, all awaiting the day they can come out and play. Trouble is, I’m out of room for bookshelves. So I find myself faced with the painful duty of …
News You Can Use – Nov. 29, 2011
How Much Does a 99 cent E-Book Cost on Amazon? - This is a chilling story for those who think that going the self-publishing route with the Kindle is all puppies and kittens. And it makes a good case for the International nature of story telling.
Don't Waste Your Exclamation Points! - Intended for pastors this is a reminder for all writers.
Thoughts on the Future of Book Marketing - …
Reasons I am Thankful Today and Every Day
I try to live in a spirit of gratitude every day, but this holiday is a chance to spend more time meditating upon a few specific reasons to be thankful. I hope you'll read over this list slowly and think about your own life.
1.) God the Father.
2.) Jesus Christ, His only Son, Our Lord.
3.) My devoted, loving, and godly husband, John.
5.) Our beautiful daughters, Jill and Ann.
6.) That all …
News You Can Use – Nov. 22, 2011
Six Things Jeff Bezos Knew Back in 1997 That Made Amazon a Gorilla - Excellent article from Forbes magazine
Reward Yourself with Kittens! - This free "Written? Kitten! tool" provides you a blank page on which to type. But every writing goal you achieve (100, 200, 500 and 1000-word settings are available), you get a picture of a cute kitty! - Part of the NaNoWriMo incentives.
Books-a-Million …
How Things Used to Be
My family and I have discovered a new TV channel we absolutely love: ME TV. No, it’s not about being egotistical. ME stands for Memorable Entertainment, and its lineup boasts all the old shows that we used to watch when I was a kid. No fooling! It’s like my youth has been reborn! Everything from Rockford Files to Wagon Train, Perry Mason, to Dick VanDyke, Hawaii 5-0 (the REAL 5-0) to Family …
News You Can Use – Nov. 15, 2011
The End of Borders and The Future of Bookselling - BusinessWeek article shows why Borders failed and why it doesn't mean the demise of bookstores. Every writer should read this.
Another Change in How We Read Books? - Cloud-based book rentals...is it the future?
You Don't Have to Accept Rejection - Copyblogger makes the case for the Indie route
Does Your Web Site Use Flash? - If so, then …
Fun Fridays – Nov. 11, 2011
The de-evolution of language.
Via Jay Mug
Fun Words
I don't usually stay up late enough to watch Conan O'Brien but awhile back I caught a show during which he campaigned to bring back use of the word thrice.
Thrice. Indeed, a fun word.
Yesterday Karen wrote about beautiful words so well that today I thought we could play with words and look at those that are entertaining. I'd like to suggest some other fun words that I think just aren't used …