We all know how elusive creativity can be at times. You’ve shared some great ways to get those juices flowing. Here are a few more ideas.
Keep an Evidence Journal. Write down your God Stories. The times you saw God act. The times you felt His touch and presence. Do it with story or just key words. But get it down on paper. When God moves in your day, write it down. When someone speaks truth to your heart, write it down. When you struggle, write it down. Remember the children of Israel were told to write these truths on the doorposts that they might not forget all God had done for them. Then, when you’ve done that for awhile, go back and read what you wrote. It’s so easy to forget God’s faithfulness. What a blessing to have solid, firm evidence of His action, His presence in our lives, in our passion.
Share words with others. In other words, encourage! Being encouraging encourages us. Write someone a note or even an email. Or try writing a poem to that special someone, be it your mom or your sweetheart. Focus on the blessing these folks have been in your life, and let them know how much you appreciate them.
Read. Immerse yourself in words, gloriously written words. Think about it. If you were stranded on a desert island what four books would you want with you? Read them. Read kids books, too. (Anything by Dr. Seuss or Shel Silverstein is a joy.) Whatever books speak to your soul. Block out time each day to read. And do it someplace that you love. Your favorite chair, with the lights perfectly adjusted, the fire going in the fireplace, music floating around you…or not. Do it however you enjoy it most. Every day. It’s important. For your creativity and your calling.
Last installment coming next week!