If you could ask me ANY question you wanted about writing or publishing for the Christian writer, what would your question be?
Here is your chance. I will be the guest on a live 70 minute TeleSeminar hosted by Terry Whalin tomorrow, January 17th at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern Time. The event is free.
All you need to do is write your question at http://www.askstevelaube.com.
In exchange for entering your question and email address you will receive a PDF of my 47-page ebook, Book Proposal Tips & Tricks. Plus you’ll receive phone access and webcast access to Terry Whalin and me for the LIVE telecast. You simply call-in and listen to the conversation.
If you can’t make the time of the call, please go ahead and sign up anyway. The entire teleseminar will be recorded and everyone who signs up will receive an email with the replay link.
For questions that cannot be fit into the time restraints I will try to get them answered in future blog posts.
I look forward to hearing from you!