As I prepare to attend the ACFW conference, I recall how many things can go wrong on travel. They can, and they do. But the world will not end. Please remember this. How do I know? Because I used to consider myself indispensable. But the graveyards are filled with indispensable people. And I must remember that the world will not end if something goes wrong. For example:
Yes, this happened to me. I was embarrassed. But the conference director saw to it that I arrived at my destination. All was well. I was still embarrassed, but all was well.
Yes, this happened to me. It meant I missed an important meeting but they went on without me and my career didn’t come to a screeching halt. I have since tried to address that problem by arriving uber early. But this is only possible now that my kids are grown. Hubby understands and is willing to eat at Subway in my absence. (And I do love being married, so I make those absences infrequent.)
I try to take direct, nonstop flights. That doesn’t guarantee no mishaps will ever happen but so far, my luggage has been safe. But I’ve seen airlines lose luggage. If yours gets lost, everyone will understand why you are wearing jeans while you wait for your luggage to arrive, and will be entertained by your story of travel woes. Hint to the ladies: make sure you have your makeup packed in your carry-on bag so you can still look your best while wearing jeans.
Yes, this has happened to me. Everyone knows that no one dies when it’s convenient. I’m sure when the Lord calls me home, the timing of my death will inconvenience many. Again, an understanding conference director smoothed the way for me.
Final word: Workshops can be rescheduled. Transportation can be flexible. The event will go on, no matter what happens. If something goes wrong, we’ll be embarrassed if it’s our fault. If it’s not our fault, we’ll still feel badly. Worrying won’t help. Preparation and planning will.
Just enjoy the adventure!
How has an understanding person helped you when travel went wrong?
Do you have a funny travel story to share?
What are your favorite tips to help travel go as smoothly as possible?