I’ve noticed, not only this year, but in past years, that opinions from publishing professionals regarding the month of December vary.
Some say nothing gets done in December. Others say a little bit gets done in December. A rare few say a lot of work gets done.
Everyone is telling the truth. Why? Because publishing is filled with so many manuscripts in varying parts of the evaluation or production process. Lots of people with different schedules are involved in making books happen. So perspectives vary.
This has been a busy year for me, and the month of December has been no exception. I’ve had meetings almost every day, and some days were filled with nonstop phone calls.
So, is December busy for your agent, and as a consequence, for you?
I think it depends on:
Your projects: Though most publishing houses close during the last week or two of December, many hold meetings between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If your project is timed to be presented to the committee in early December, your agent and you may be spending time answering any questions the editor may have before he goes into the formal meeting. After that, my hope for you is that your agent will be receiving your offer!
Your editors: Many editors take December vacations that begin well before Christmas. Others toil through Christmas Eve. Your schedule may reflect your editor’s vacation schedule.
Your publisher: Each publishing house has its own personality and expectations as to how much work will get done during the holiday season. Your agent will respond accordingly.
The year: Each year is different. That’s the beauty of publishing. Unpredictability is the only thing we can truly predict.
Your turn:
Have you been offered a contract or had another major career development in December?
Would you prefer that December be a quiet time, or do you like a busy December?