After watching this video I have one question. Do you have a hidden talent too?
Enjoy the surprising ability of this young lady! She was a student in New Zealand when her mates discovered her unusual talent.
After watching this video I have one question. Do you have a hidden talent too?
Enjoy the surprising ability of this young lady! She was a student in New Zealand when her mates discovered her unusual talent.
When thinking of going to any conference, most authors need to consider expenses. A question friends and family might ask is, “Are you making money by going?” I wish I had a firm answer, but the fact is, you may never know. Granted, you might go to a conference, meet an agent and then sign with the agent. Then the agent presents your work to an editor. Soon you receive a contract worth much more …
If you think about it, the first step leading to the eventual sale of any book begins with grabbing someone’s attention with a short description of the book content. The proposal or short description motivates the agent, publisher, book retailer or reader to take the next step, which is different for each, but everything is set in motion by something less than the full manuscript. No one first …
Our guest blogger today is Deborah Raney. We have had the fun of working together since I first became an agent. It also happens that while at Bethany House I was one of the first to review the proposal which became her first novel, A Vow to Cherish, (the inspiration for the World Wide Pictures film of the same title) and launched Deb’s writing career. Twenty years and thirty-plus books later, …
If you liked last week’s Fun Friday with the young “Golden Buzzer” recipient, you will like this one as well. A message to ALL writers out there? Never stop trying to improve your craft. This woman’s story and performance should be an inspiration to us all.
Authors want to be good stewards of time and resources so when considering whether or not to attend a conference, many factors apply. You may want to consider, in no particular order: How much will my attendance inconvenience myself and those around me? 1. Will my day job suffer? 2. How will my family cope? 3. Can I easily get to and from the conference? Have I budgeted enough funds to go to the …
Did you all read Steve’s post about Edgy Christian Fiction? An excellent post, and one that addressed vitally important issues for us as Christian who write. So why am I writing about it when Steve dealt with it so well. Because last night I experienced the ugly effects of edginess on characters I have enjoyed and loved. First, let me say that I know my experience has nothing to do with …
A young writer penned these words: “I haven’t written for a few days, because I wanted first of all to think about my diary. It’s an odd idea for someone like me to keep a diary; not only because I have never done so before, but because it seems to me that neither I—nor for that matter anyone else—will be interested in the unbosomings of a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Still, what does that …
Over the decades it has been interesting to listen to and read the various pundits regarding the publishing industry. Typically those who spell out doom and gloom get the attention (fortifying the idea that “if it bleeds, it leads”). At the same time there is the optimist position which is often derided for being unrealistic. After awhile I’ve learned to smile and simply get back …
Oh my goodness. This was unexpected. A video of a young 12-year-old ventriloquist…singing. Enjoy!